By Hanlie Kruger The Lord gave Hanlie a very significant word which is a warning and encouragement for His Bride. He has given a clear warning as to the plan of the enemy and also clear direction as to the way forward for the remnant. This is a very important word for intercessors and those called to Continue Reading
Blog – Latest Prophetic Words and Teachings
Prophetic Words
Under His Wings – A Prophetic Warning For The Remnant
Urgent Message From The Angels For South Africa
As we were worshipping and seeking the Lord for South Africa the Lord showed Elize the angel who is over Gauteng Province talking to the other 8 provincial angels telling them that South Africa needs prayer.
Continue ReadingBuying Oil
The only way to receive sustenance for the depth of things we have to go through, is by buying oil, is by spending time with our Bridegroom Jesus.
Continue ReadingJust one moment in His presence is enough to sustain you
Just one moment in His presence is enough to sustain you. What a wonderful thing to know, that we have more than a moment, but that we can live from this place of intimacy with Him.
Continue ReadingFather Came Into the Room
Father Came Into the Room. The Spirit of adoption was bought with the ultimate rejection. Surrender Is Fearless.
Continue ReadingPrayer Strategy for Elections in the US
US Elections Prophetic Update – What now? What should our reaction be? He has a plan of action for the Church right now
Continue ReadingHosanna In This Moment
Hosanna in this moment for our saviour we will see, Fathers Sings Over . Women Labouring of Ruth, gleaning in the field, laboring, working.
Continue ReadingRacism Resists Revival
Key word for Intercessors. The Lord gave us clear understanding how this turmoil of racism is working and how to defuse the violence.
Continue ReadingThe Fire In You Is Greater Than The Fire Around You
The Lord wants us to focus on His fire that will extinguish the fire of our the circumstances. Other prophetic words on the School of the prophets.
Continue ReadingGods Word for South Africa Concerning the Mountain of Crises
Speak to Your Mountain South Africa Violence, CSE, Eskom, Land Expropriation and many other serious national issues that South Africa is facing at this time. Hear God’s Word for South Africa.
Continue ReadingThe Scroll of Restoration
The Lord will release a Scroll of Restoration and Hope and Promise when we confess our sins and agree with our accuser. Only His Blood!
Continue ReadingFaith proclamations for healing and finances | Every High Thing Must Come Down
Use your Faith Proclamations for healing and finances to take down every high thing (stronghold) that the enemy has built within our hearts.. Are you facing strongholds in your mind of fear and doubt etc? Mirjam had a very important vision and word of how every high thing must come down.
Are you struggling with health issues? Are you battling to trust God in order to walk in financial freedom? In this article we have placed two very powerful proclamations to speak over your life:
The Fabric of Revival
Find out why all your sufferings are worth going through. Why is the Lord allowing your suffering? Your suffering works for your good
Continue ReadingBuying Time With God
We have lost so much time in our nation and we need to buy back the time. Find out How to Buy Back The Time We Have Lost In Our Nation – Buying Time by spending time with Him.
Continue ReadingThe Baby of Revival
What does the Baby of Revival look like? What does the New Wine Skin look like? Father has prepared a table for us of Complete Victory – find out what He has prepared.
Continue Reading“Let My Children Go!” Part 1
The Lord is calling us to “let His children go and grow up in Him”. For too long we have thought that the children, must be seen and not heard in His Church gatherings. We have let them stay, caged in “children’s church”. Meanwhile, we need their ministry as adults just as much as they need our ministry.
Continue ReadingCoca Cola Ministries – Coke Versus Pure Water
Beware of the Coca Cola ministries. You have a choice between Coke and Pure Water… Choose the pure water of Gods word. No mixture and no added sugar. Beware of the sugar-coated messages and chasing after prophecies and not seeking the deep truths of Gods word yourself.
Continue ReadingSouth Africa, Prepare Ye The Way For The Lamb
The journey of South Africa continues. The Lord gave Mirjam a follow-up word regarding His thoughts towards South Africa, giving us more light of where we are going as a nation. He is saying to South Africa, It is the time of preparing the way for the Lamb Who will come.
Continue ReadingSouth Africa I know the thoughts I think towards You
Father has an awesome plan for South Africa. He says, South Africa I know the thoughts I think towards you. He is giving the remnant a choice today to go the shortcut or the correct road. what will you choose?
Continue ReadingBeware of the Political Spirit
The political spirit over South Africa and how it has diverted and distracted thousands of intercessors. This is the principality that is targeting and distracting the intercessors at this time.
Continue ReadingRevival Versus Abortion
We need to choose life as a nation! If we choose life, we have to fight violently against death in our nation. Our main focus now should be to overcome abortion in South Africa
Continue ReadingValleys have rivers, look for them
The enemy has backed many families into the corner…in the valley. Seems as though they are powerless. Sickness, finances and education.
Continue ReadingFear Not South Africa
Abba Father has an answer to all the fear and lawlessness. He wants us to be acquainted again with Him and His perfect love will cast out all fear.
He wants us to use the keys of the Kingdom and close the gates of hell in our nation.
Prophetic Word for South Africa – Sadhu Sundar Selverage
The following video is the combined key prophetic words given to South Africa at the National Prophetic Conference from 5 – 8 December 2018.
Continue ReadingThe Bread of Breakthrough Manifests at IT’S TIME
Below is a word for all believers but especially those attending ITS TIME in Pretoria. The Lord is going to do miracles amongst His people at the event and all across South Africa.
Continue ReadingHere fishy fishy – Calling Fish
In 2013 the Lord sent an angel to Mirjam in order to teach me how to catch fish. A business without sales will go bankrupt. If you need to increase the income of your business and life through increased income generation then you will really be blessed by watching this.
Continue ReadingCall to all Intercessors to release arrows of light and of blood into the enemy strongholds
Time to release arrows of Light and Blood. The Lord is now releasing a strategy to expose and destroy these enemy strongholds which are pits of evil that form the power base of the enemies plan for civil war in South Africa. We need to work as one army and use the weapons the Lord has designated right now!
Continue ReadingWarfare Through His Presence and Rest
Learn how to fight as a king and not as a slave as you enter the Lord’s presence and rest. He has already got the victory before the battle ever starts
Continue ReadingWarrior Women of South Africa
If you are feeling tired and weary in this battle and just want to lie down for a while on the Battlefield. Do not lie down it is dangerous. Arise He says Arise. Listen to this word it will really encourage you.
Continue ReadingShut the gates of hell over your city
We can all easily see the devils wicked scheme for South Africa. The first thing is we must not to give voice or agreement to these demonic plans of destruction for our nation. We must take a stand now and shut these gates of hell. We have authority in Christ over this evil, it is time to stand as one and take our cities and towns for Jesus.
Continue ReadingThere Are Two Tables
Discover the Two Tables and how to fellowship within the Father’s Heart. Allow Abba Father to take you into the rooms in His Heart for your life and show you the hidden treasures of His destiny for you.
Continue ReadingAbba Father’s Song – Eyes on the Blood, Eyes on the Cross
Father is leading us into very deep valleys to confront things that we do not want to face. But through this He will deliver us from many strongholds, especially fear.
Continue ReadingAbba, Help Me I’m tired, I’m weak
Call on Abba Father “Abba, help.. I’m tired, I’m weak…”And every time I said that, His face would just light up. It pleases Him so much. “
Continue ReadingIt’s Time for The Prophets Of The River
There are many conflicting words coming from all over. We need to know what the Lord is really saying to our nation. The Lord is going to call forth and release these hidden nameless faceless ones to release One voice from heaven to South Africa and the Church.
Continue ReadingProphetic Word for 2018
Powerful prophetic insights for the first six months of 2018. Month of month revelation in the Year of the Hiding Place, The Pavilion, and the Art of Hiding in Him. Prophetic word for 2018
Continue ReadingI Am Renewing My Covenant with Zimbabwe, with the People and with the Land
He is renewing His covenant with Zimbabwe. He is renewing His covenant with the people. He is renewing His covenant with the land. The sky is going to change, it looked very dusty, very dark and grim now. But it will settle and there will be blue skies.
And there will be covenant with the land!
Podcast #005: Expectancy The Door of Glory Awaits You
Prepare to go through the Door of Glory. Now is the time. Come expectant. Forget the past and enter the New Season.
Continue ReadingPodcast #003:The Blood Dimension – Jesus Our High Priest and Abiding in His Blood
Find out how Jesus our High Priest takes us into the Holy of Holies. Learn to cooperate with Jesus our High Priest and abide in the Blood Dimension. Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
Continue ReadingPodcast #002: The Blood Dimension – The Dance of Surrender
Powerful message given to Mirjam on how Jesus our Bridegroom wants us to enter the dance of total surrender with Him. This is how we become one with Him.
Continue ReadingThe Blood Dimension – The Power of the Blood of Jesus | Part 2
The blood dimension takes us into a new dimension of prayer that works and really changes things. When we can truly surrender we enter the rest of faith. This is where God does the works and not us. The above revelation is so powerful and can change our lives and our nations if we will believe the power of His blood and surrender ALL into His blood.
Continue ReadingThe Staircase to Revival
There is a staircase that leads to the Spirit of revival that the Lord wants to pour out on the vessels of revival.
Continue ReadingThe Blood Soaked Eagles
The Lord has called eagles over cities regions and nations. He is calling them higher and see from His realm is so critical. We need to bring an accurate word at this time. We need to Blood soaked eagles for accurate words
Continue ReadingThe Claw of Racism Removed in South Africa
The Lord is exposing and will remove the false foundations of racism in South Africa. He will bring great healing and deliverance in and though the farmers
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 7
Did you know the economic collapse has to happen just before the greatest wealth transfer ever? God is shaking the global markets while He positions His Sons and Daughters for the the wealth transfer.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 6
In the spiritual realm each step of obedience results in the progress of the Kingdom of God and the shaking and collapse of the kingdom of the enemy.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 5
The Lion of Judah the Lion of Praise is about to do something really big all over the world and it will come forth our of Africa. What seems like a defeat to us and all those around us in heaven is a massive victory. We can run into His Names and be safe.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 4
God is going to anoint His Sons in the marketplace with the Cyrus anointing which will disarm the opposition and release great favour on those who carry this anointing.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 3
Are you ready to step into the Blood Dimension? Kingdom Business needs to operate in this dimension.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 2
Get yourself positioned for the Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer. Jesus is busy shaking the market place. Are you ready and positioned for what is coming?
Continue ReadingProphetic Soaking by Graham Cooke – The Nature of God
Its your destiny to know the nature of God and walk in the revelation of who He is on this earth. Releasing heaven on earth.
Continue ReadingEdenvale Day of Worship 25 June 2016
Day of Worship in Edenvale – Prophetic Words as the Glory of the Lord is coming to Town. Prophetic word for Gods artists and Tsunami of His blood coming to Edenvale.
Continue ReadingThe Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer – Part 1
Get yourself positioned for the Economic Shaking and The Coming Wealth Transfer. Where does place His sons in this end time financial collapse? The Cyrus Anointing
Continue ReadingEdenvale Prophetic Words
What is the Lord saying to Edenvale? The Glory of the Lord is coming to town. The following page is dedicated to recording Edenvale Prophetic words.
Continue ReadingPodcast #001: The Blood Dimension – The Power of the Blood of Jesus
Step into the blood dimension brings forth fruitfulness.
The blood dimension takes us into a new dimension of prayer that works.
This can change our lives and our nations if we will believe the power of His blood.
Suddenly Many Will Emerge Above The Ground – Webinar #37
What God Has Prepared Underground Is About to Come Above the Ground.
Those who have been underground are soon to come out from the ground.
The angels were applauding those who had made it through from underground. They were cheering and encouraging those who broke through underground.
You Have Come Full Circle – Webinar #36
In His Kingdom there are times and seasons. What He is saying now is that the season has come full circle. This means all that has needed to happen as already past and that the circle of time is completed.
Continue ReadingGod’s Answer To Xenophobia In South Africa – Webinar #35
God’s Answer To Xenophobia in South Africa. The Lord gave us revelation on how to deal with this terrible onslaught in the spiritual realm and in the natural realm
Continue ReadingCorporate Breakthrough – All For One and One For All – Webinar #34
Corporate breakthrough is what is on the Lords mind right now. Find out what He is saying and how to walk in this promise.
Continue ReadingBeware The Ides of March
Beware the ides of March – be aware the enemies plans to set brother against brother and use this blood against us to destroy us. We can overcome if we walk in love
Continue ReadingReceiving Emotional Healing – Webinar #33
The focus is on receiving your emotional healing by allowing the Lord to enter your emotional room, healing your emotional wounds taking you through the emotional healing process
Continue ReadingHeavens Response To ISIS In South Africa – Webinar #32
Find out what Heavens Response To ISIS In South Africa. The Lord has great plans for our nation. Let us not allow the enemy to release his plans.
Continue ReadingTogether Your Worship Holds The Key For Transformation In The Nation – Webinar #31
Transformation In the Nation lies in corporate worship. As we worship the Lord as one in small groups so Father releases Heavens blue print for our nations
Continue ReadingYour Loved Ones Are Being Saved – Webinar #30
The Lord is saving your loved ones whom you have prayed for years. He is also breaking the chains and setting all the captives free. Powerful prophetic words
Continue ReadingThe Seas Have Parted and The Impossible Has Just Happened – Webinar #29
You feel that you just can’t cope with all the pressure. Listen to the word Mirjam shares as the Lord clearly shows her the simple solution to these lying feelings.
Continue ReadingFeeling like your failing? Webinar #28
You feel that you just can’t cope with all the pressure. Listen to the word Mirjam shares as the Lord clearly shows her the simple solution to these lying feelings.
Continue ReadingNo More Hindrances – Something Big is About to Happen – Webinar #27
The Lord by His grace removing hindrances that are hindrances to prayer, hindrances to church growth and hindrances to our breakthrough. Something big is about to happen
Continue ReadingBabies Get Anointed In The Valley – Webinar #26
Father is releasing an army of End Time warriors made up of children. He is sending this little ones earth at this time. Our job is to recognise and nurture them in His way, equipping them for their divine destinies.
Continue ReadingIs there any balm in Gilead?
Mirjam shares how the Lord showed her in vision that we need to allow Him to apply the healing balm of Gilead to our infirmities and sicknesses.
Continue ReadingWhat I Am building you cannot see
Often you cannot see what God is busy building when we lay our lives down. Watch what He does when you lay your life down
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Fourteen
Vision: Angel of praise appears again to show us how to get through the blockages of the enemy. Praise is like a bomb! #TPW
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Thirteen
When we press through in praise He gives us tools to fight at a new level. Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Twelve
When we press through in praise He gives us tools to fight at a new level. Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Eleven
The devil loses his grip in your life as you praise the Lord. Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW.
Continue ReadingUsing Your Stones to Make Way | Accessing Our Inheritance Through TPW | Part 10
Learning to use your stones which are your testimonies to make a way where there seems to be no way and to kill your giants. Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Nine
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Learn from the Angel of praise and Breakthrough
Continue ReadingAll of Heaven Responds as We Draw Near to God
Find out what happens in heaven when we draw near to Him. All of heaven is activated as we draw near to God – discover the three blood baths, read this wonderful vision by Alna Terblanche
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Eight
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW. Loud Praises
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Seven
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Six
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Four
Worship release gods arrows. Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW.
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Three
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW. Heaven’s Wind released
Continue ReadingPsalm 100 Your Heavenly Cheque – Accessing Our Inheritance Through TPW
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW. Ps 100 your heavenly Cheque – Check
Continue ReadingAccessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part One
Find out how to access your inheritance through faithful Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – TPW. Receive your breakthrough as you learn to TPW
Continue ReadingTeachings
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 15 | #16 Love Never Fails
By Warren David Horak Love Endures All Things You might be asking how long can this carry on? How can endure this? You might even be tempted to give up and throw in the towel. His word to you today is His love in you endures ALL things. Love can and will endure any and Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 14 | #15 Love Endures All Things
By Warren David Horak Love Endures All Things You might be asking how long can this carry on? How can endure this? You might even be tempted to give up and throw in the towel. His word to you today is His love in you endures ALL things. Love can and will endure any and Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 13 | #14 Love Hopes All Things
By Warren David HorakLove Hopes All ThingsInside of love is faith and trust.When we walk in His love we will believe ALL things He says.When we mature in the 16 facets of His perfect love we will have strong faith that believes all things.Only when we truly love will we believe in what He says Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 12 | #13 Love Believes All Things
By Warren David HorakLove Believes All ThingsInside of love is faith and trust.When we walk in His love we will believe ALL things He says.When we mature in the 16 facets of His perfect love we will have strong faith that believes all things.Only when we truly love will we believe in what He says Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 11 | #12 Love Covers All Things
By Warren David HorakLove Covers All ThingsIf there has ever been a time that we as believers need to learn how to love, it is now!Love is light, and His love light needs to be shone starting now!By this all will know we are His disciples… by the demonstration of our love for one another… Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 10 | #9 – #11 Love Rejoices In Truth
By Warren David HorakLove Rejoices In TruthAnyone who truly loves the truth will eventually find the truth, no matter where they are.We need to cultivate a deep love for truth within our lives to be set free from deception.Those who believe in Jesus need to nurture our love for the Truth no matter how hard Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 9 | #7 – #8 Love Is Not Irritated Or Angry
By Warren David Horak Love Is Not Irritated Angry Do you have "buttons", that when pressed you react in the flesh?When we are free from these buttons the enemy will not be able to get us to fall into His traps of manipulation and witchcraft.The Lord is able to set us free from the buttons Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 8 | #6 – #7 Love Is Not Selfish
By Warren David Horak Love Is Not Selfish The cornerstone of love is that, LOVE is NOT selfish. The root of all darkness and destruction on earth is the root of self. This is why Jesus starts our journey off by instructing us to deny ourselves on a daily basis. We will only be Free Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 7 – #3 – #5 Love Is Not Proud
By Warren David Horak Love Is Kind Today as we focus on the second facet of love, kindness, we discover that it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. When we show forth His kindness it leads others to Jesus. Every act of kindness that we show, is an eternal seed sown Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 6 – #2 Love is Kind
By Warren David Horak Love Is Kind Today as we focus on the second facet of love, kindness, we discover that it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. When we show forth His kindness it leads others to Jesus. Every act of kindness that we show, is an eternal seed sown Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 5 – #1 Long Suffering
By Warren David HorakLove Suffers LongLong suffering is the first facet of Love.Why is Long suffering mentioned first?Long suffering / patience is something we naturally tend to shy away from.However, it is vital to us abiding in His love.Today we find out why Long suffering is so important and why being patient is the first Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 4
By Warren David Horak The Proof of Eternal Life Jesus paid the ultimate price to give us eternal life. Eternal life is knowing God intimately! Our highest calling is to know Him. The proof that we really know God, is the love that we have for the brethren and our enemies. Walking in love is Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 3
By Warren David HorakThe Proof of Eternal LifeJesus paid the ultimate price to give us eternal life.Eternal life is knowing God intimately!Our highest calling is to know Him.The proof that we really know God, is the love that we have for the brethren and our enemies.Walking in love is the only evidence that we have Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 2
By Warren David Horak God is love, the more we walk in Love the more we know God. We need to know what love is in order to walk in it. Therefore our goal in this study is to know Love and to walk in Love as we look at the 16 awesome facets of Continue reading...
The 16 Facets Of Love | Part 1
By Warren David HorakGod is love, the more we walk in Love the more we know God.We need to know what love is in order to walk in it.Therefore our goal in this study is to know Love and to walk in Love as we look at the 16 awesome facets of His love.Love is Continue reading...
Living Beyond The Veil – Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy | Part 6
From Suffering to Joy: Embracing God's Promise of Healing and RestorationBy Warren David HorakOne of the most important messages for every believer.We are created to be His temple, His dwelling place, filled with His glory. We are called to live Life in the spirit and not the flesh. The flesh of worry, stress, anxiety and Continue reading...
Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy | Part 5
From Suffering to Joy: Embracing God's Promise of Healing and Restoration By Warren David Horak The Lord has promised that joy will come in the mourning. He has also promised that no one can steal the joy has already given you. There are two types of joy that He gives you. Today we look at Continue reading...
Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy | Part 4
From Suffering to Joy: Embracing God's Promise of Healing and RestorationBy Warren David HorakThe Lord has promised that joy will come in the mourning.He has also promised that no one can steal the joy has already given you.There are two types of joy that He gives you.Today we look at how to enter and abide Continue reading...
Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy | Part 3
From Suffering to Joy: Embracing God's Promise of Healing and RestorationBy Warren David HorakThe Lord is set on replacing your pain and suffering with His joy.Today we look at how to transition from pain to joy even when our circumstances have not changed.The Lord wants us to walk in His peace and joy no matter Continue reading...
Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy | Part 2
From Suffering to Joy: Embracing God's Promise of Healing and RestorationBy Warren David HorakLife inevitably brings pain and hardship. Countless believers have endured unimaginable agony, torment beyond what most could fathom. The trials they've faced have been sent to shipwreck their faith and destinies.The enemy deploys zealous efforts to postpone, even permanently obstruct, the glorious Continue reading...
Replacing The Cactus of Suffering With His Joy
The Transformative Power of the Joy of the LordBy Warren David HorakWatch the video belowIntroductionThe journey of life is a tapestry woven with both joyful moments and periods of deep suffering. For many in the Body of Christ, the path has been marked by extreme pain, sorrow, and affliction that has tested their faith to Continue reading...
Jesus The High Priest Of Our Confession | Part 3
By Warren David Horak Jesus who is The Truth is committed to His WORD of Truth._ _Are we as committed and faithful to our words, as Jesus is committed to being faithful to His words?_ _For those who are committed to Truth and their words they will see The Truth manifest in their lives as Continue reading...
Jesus The High Priest Of Our Confession | Part 2
By Warren David HorakWithout Faith we cannot please God. Faith comes through hearing God speak to us.The creative force of faith given to us by God is released through our mouths when we believe and do what Mark 11:23 says.Think on this; you will have whatever you say!This is based on what Jesus promises in Continue reading...
Jesus The High Priest Of Our Confession
By Warren David Horak.In order to enter the rest we need to cooperate with Jesus the High Priest of our confession.Today we look at how He works with our words and how we need to cooperate with Him and Heaven to see the manifestation of His promises and breakthroughs in our lives.Hebrews 3:1–2 Therefore, holy Continue reading...
The Five Fold Ministry
The Five Fold Ministry By Warren David Horak What is the role of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher? Why we need the Five fold Ministry. The Word says that all of the five fold ministries are just as important as each other, as none of them work independently. Watch The Video Below. Ephesians Continue reading...
Pray The Blood OF Jesus Over The White House
Pray The Blood OF Jesus Over The White HouseMay the WHITE HOUSE become the Light HousePRAYER FOR THE USA 2020 Elections.This is the revelation and prayer the Lord gave us to pray for the 2016 election in the USA. We need to pray the Blood of Jesus over every SEAT of Power/Office in the USA and Continue reading...
Our Father Our Provider – Father’s Heart – From Slavery To Sonship #16
Our Father is our provider Father’s Heart – From Slavery To Sonship #16 By Warren David Horak Know Who He is… He is your loving Abba Father. Your Dad in Heaven who only seeks your good. Watch the video below He is your loving shepherd Psalm 23:1–6 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Continue reading...
Doctors Do Not Look to Truth They State The Facts
Doctors Do Not Look to Truth They State The FactsDream by Mirjam HorakThis is an extremely powerful dream that Mirjam had concerning divine healing. Please watch the videos belowThere is so much revelation in this one as the Lord Himself was questioning Mirjam and teaching her how to be healed and break the agreement with Continue reading...
Prayer for Education in South Africa
Prayer for Education in South AfricaThis page is setup to help believers to pray over Education. This page will provide information and links to more information with regards to Education in South Africa. Current Prayer FocusCSEMustFallCSE - Comprehensive Sexuality Education is Violence Against Children! It is designed to sexualize children from age 5 and groom them Continue reading...
Prayer for a Community Revival
Prayer For A Community RevivalBy Warren David HorakPrayer for a community is to release revival so that our communities will be transformed. The Lord is giving us our communities, towns, cities and nations. We need to learn how to pray effectively for our communities so we will see revival breakout. He wants to pour out His Continue reading...
War Room
The War RoomDear Eagle and Intercessor,I would like you to pray about something that is very close to our hearts.As you know, we have been given a mandate from heaven for revival and need to continue on this journey.He has made it very clear that we need to have those who are called to pray Continue reading...
Kingdom Finances | Spirit-inspired Giving Will Bear Fruit | Part 2
Kingdom Finances | Spirit-inspired Giving Will Bear FruitPart 2 and 3By Warren David HorakListen to Part 1 here Giving legalistically will bring you into povertyCould it be that our legalistic giving was hindering God’s provision in our lives?Watch the Video Below Part 2Video Below Part 3who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, Continue reading...
Kingdom Finances | Spirit-inspired Giving Will Bear Fruit | Part 1
Kingdom Finances | Spirit-inspired Giving Will Bear Fruit Part 1 By Warren David Horak The question is; do you tithe or don’t you tithe? Watch the video below We are to give only by the Spirit and not by the letter of the law even the law of tithing and offerings. The New Testament Continue reading...
Complaining will keep you in the wilderness
Complaining will keep you in the wilderness One of the most dangerous traps that the enemy lays for us when we are being tested in the wilderness is complaining. Once we fall into this trap we will become more and more negative and our spiritual blindness will only get worse. We won’t be able to Continue reading...
16 Keys to Financial Breakthrough
16 Keys to Financial BreakthroughThe enemies attack on believers finances is relentless especially on those who have been given very clear Kingdom assignments.We need to be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves when it comes to finances.Make sure you using all the keys.In one of the Gatherings of Fire in Cape Town the Continue reading...
The River of Life and the Mountain of God
The River of Life and the Mountain of GodDuring my weekly teaching with Neil's Kingdom Business team in Sandton the Lord released the following revelation on the River of God and the Mountain of God.These are two vital revelations that every believer should have.Most of the teachings I do are inspired by prophetic words and Continue reading...
Financial Breakthrough Testimony – Using Your heavenly Cheque Psalm 100
Financial Breakthrough Testimony – Using our Heavenly Cheque Psalm 100 [Watch Video] below, I share a powerful testimony from Sue Jameson the Joy activist and laughter coach. Amazing how faithful God is Who gave her a financial breakthrough when she obeyed the Lord and used her heavenly cheque Psalm 100. Now is your time of Continue reading...
The Strategic Prayer Brief
The Strategic Prayer Brief This is war. The intensity is going to get much hotter as the end of the age draws closer. He wants us to overcome and praying and doing warfare the way we are used too will not work and give us victory that He promised. We need to operate in strategic Continue reading...
The Gates of Provision
The Gates of ProvisionMany believers are battling financially despite being givers.There are three major revelations the Lord has given us since 2010 in the area of financial provision and breakthroughThe first revelation is overcoming the hat of mammon. This revelation exposes how the enemy deceives us into wearing the hat of mammon made of fear, Continue reading...
Chronicles of Revival | Part 2 | Cape Town
Chronicles of Revival | Part 1 | Cape TownThis is Part 2 of the Willie Vermaak Interview looking at Revival in his meetings. I managed to interview Willie at our Gathering of Fire meeting in Cape Town.He shared some truly amazing stories of revival.I just got a message from Willie and he was saying that Continue reading...
Chronicles of Revival | Part 1 | Cape Town
Willie Vermaak Interview: Is an apostle/evangelist who truly experienced revival in his meetings for years.Watch this remarkable account of authentic revival in Cape Town and Western Cape.These amazing outpourings of glory started happening 30 years ago in Cape Town and the Western Cape in South Africa.Willie Vermaak who has been in fulltime ministry for over Continue reading...
Preparing a City for His Revival Fire!
Preparing a City for His Revival Fire! In this vision, the Lord goes into detail as to what happens when we go from personal surrender to corporate surrender which leads to revival in a city. We are preparing a City for His Revival Fire. He is giving us keys and steps for Revival so that Continue reading...
How To Cure Poverty
How To Cure PovertyFollow Me - Part 4Warren David HorakPoverty starts in the soul.[WATCH VIDEO]Before we look at the solution we need to identify the root causes of poverty.As in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.In the natural cancer has a cause. Billions are spent on cancer research, but most research is not Continue reading...
Why Is It Taking So Long?
Why is it taking so long? Follow Me Part 3 Warren David Horak The Lord has promised you wonderful things for your life, your business and your ministry. Yet it is taking so long. Sometimes you tempted to give up on these promises. It looks like the Lord has forgotten you and bypassed you. Today Continue reading...
Poverty Is Like A Cancer – Follow Me – Part 2
Poverty Is Like A Cancer So many people are battling with poverty today. Poverty is like a cancer of the mind Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” John 14:6 Watch the Video Below Jesus is the way… the very path I am called to walk on is Jesus. It is Continue reading...
Kingdom Business Planning – Follow Me
Kingdom Business Plan He said follow Me Warren David Horak He said, Follow me. He never asked us to make our own plans. Kingdom business planning is not normal business planning. He wants us to surrender our earthly plans, in order to receive is heavenly plans for His Kingdom, His Business and His Ministry in and Continue reading...
The 31st of October is not halloween; it is The Global Day of TPW
The 31st of October is not "halloween"; it is The Global Day of TPWBy Warren David HorakThe 31st of October belongs to Jesus ChristIt is not "halloween", it is The Global Day of TPW (THANKSGIVING - PRAISE - WORSHIP)Which of the 365 days of the year did the Lord not create?How come we allow the enemy Continue reading...
Podcast #004: The humble take pleasure in their weakness
The humble taking pleasure in their weakness If you feeling you getting weaker and weaker. Then you are in a good place. Paul was there and He asked the Lord to remove trials in his life. Then the Lord taught Paul one of the greatest lessons of Paul’s life. To take pleasure in his weakness Continue reading...
Praying the Blood of Jesus over South Africa
Praying the Blood of Jesus over South Africa Placing the government “offices” of authority in the Blood of Jesus. South Africa, IT’s TIME to Pray the Blood! In 2016 the Lord got us to pray the Blood of Jesus over all the “offices” which are positions of authority in our nation and in the USA before Continue reading...
From Roots to Fruits – My Hebrew Roots Journey
My journey through the depths of the Hebrew Roots Movement By Henru Pieters Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a shophar, and declare unto my people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob their sins. Isaiah 58:1 For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain Continue reading...
How to use Youtube Playlists to Lead Worship
Ever wondered how you can lead worship in your home? Introducing you to a simple and easy way to lead worship using YouTube Video playlists. One of the problems when using YouTube is the irritating video adds at the beginning of some of the videos. This tends to break the flow when you are worshipping Continue reading...
Taking the Land – Redeeming the Land
<< Back to Spiritual Warfare Teachings MenuA step by step process on how to take the land also known as Redeeming the Land. Free Ebook with prayers in English and AfrikaansThis is part of your promised Land. The Land we focusing on is your physical property and the land of your domain like your calling Continue reading...
Overcoming mammon – The Hat of Mammon
<< Back to Spiritual Warfare Teachings MenuOvercoming mammon - The Hat of mammonVision by Mirjam HorakWhose counsel will you walk in?Watch the Videos belowI saw a hat, a big cowboy hat with a very wide rim which casts a large shadow. Cares of the world, fear and anxiety was written on this hat = FAS.I Continue reading...
Freedom from the Two prisons of Offence
<< Back to Spiritual Warfare Teachings MenuThere are many believers wondering why they cannot move forward in their lives not realising there are two prisons of offence. They lie in bed in torment and continually worry about what other people are saying and doing.You might have a powerful calling on your life and it seems Continue reading...
Spiritual Warfare Prayers Training Combat and Warfare 101
<< Back to Spiritual Warfare Teachings MenuSpiritual Warfare Prayers TrainingCombat and Warfare 101By Warren David HorakSpiritual Warfare Prayers and Strategies that will enable you to Win. To take ground and keep it!We need Gods Blue Print for the Battle ahead. So far, much of our spiritual warfare prayers have not really brought us any closer Continue reading...
Kingdom Business Cooperation Introduction
Are you ready to take the Lion’s Share? Find out what Kingdom Business is and what God is saying to those called in business. Get positioned for the coming wealth transfer into Gods Kingdom. Listen to the recording to Part 1 and Part 2 of the Kingdom Business Cooperation Seminar in Cape Town Part 1 Continue reading...
Repentance for Racism – Long walk to Freedom
Repentance for Racism - Long walk to FreedomAFRICA TURN YOUR HEADS TO JESUSBy Warren David HorakGod has a plan for AfricaIt is important to understand that God has an awesome plan with every tribe and kindred in Africa, no matter their race or tribe. Africa has a destiny to be the continent of light and to Continue reading...
All Who Are Thirsty – Isaiah 55 Prophetic Gatherings 2014 Archive
All who are thirsty – Prophetic Gatherings 2014 Archive These words and videos are from our live prophetic gatherings where we gather from all over the world with our online broadcast. All who are thirsty live broadcast: No 1 All who are thirsty live broadcast: No 2 The main focus of the words were The Continue reading...
How to be Fruitful and Never Stumble – Part Two
How to be Fruitful and Never Stumble – Part TwoRevealed: Eight keys that will remove bareness and make you fruitfulBy Warren David HorakClick the player below, to play the audio of the teachingClick here to read and listen to Part One of this teachingImagine being in a place where we are always fruitful and are Continue reading...
How to be Fruitful and Never Stumble – Part Two
Revealed: Eight keys that will remove bareness and make you fruitful By Warren David Horak Click the player above, to play the audio of the teaching Click here to read and listen to Part One of this teaching Imagine being in a place where we are always fruitful and are never made to stumble? You might Continue reading...
How to be fruitful and never stumble – Part One
How to be fruitful and never stumble – Part OneExposed: The six thieves that rob your breakthrough By Warren David HorakClick the player below, to play the audio of the teachingClick here to go read and listen to Part 2Many of us have been waiting for breakthrough for many years. We wonder why we haven't Continue reading...
Accessing Our Inheritance Through TPW Thanksgiving Praise and Worship – Part Five
Ascending Through Different Levels of Praise By Warren and Mirjam Horak The more I seek the Lord on TPW the more treasure I find. I really know that, Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship are essential ingredients for us to receive our breakthrough and inheritances that He has promised us. Two things have become crystal clear to Continue reading...
How to Pray Effectively and Experience God
How to Pray Effectively and Experience God By Warren David Horak Have your ever wondered and longed to have a God encounter every day? Imagine being able to pray effectively and experience God each and every day of your life. You will now learn how to pray effectively This guideline will help take the simple Continue reading...
Are You Seeing Jesus Daily? Three Simple Steps to a Divine Encounter
Divine Encounters With Jesus What is the most important thing? I believe when we can answer that question, we will gain our focus. According to the scripture the most important thing is to regain our lost image and know God. photo credit: RLJ Photography NYC via photopin cc We lost His image and fellowship at Continue reading...