Statement of Faith
Father’s Heart International Ministries Statement of Faith and Core Values
We believe in the Holy Scriptures as inspired by the Holy Spirit, therefore being the infallible word of God and our final authority for our lives.
We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the trinity and God head.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16
We believe that Jesus Christ is God – John 1:1,14
We believe that Jesus Christ, the son of God is the only way to be saved. That all people need to be born again according to John3:3 in order to be saved.
We believe in baptism of water which is the full immersion of water.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fullness of the Spirit which includes the nine fruit the seven Spirit of God and the nine gifts of the Spirit.
We believe in divine healing and deliverance from demons as Jesus came to set the captives free.
We believe the purpose of all believers is to be Christ like Romans 8:28-29.
We believe all believers are called to be disciples of Jesus and to follow Him – Luke 9:23.
We believe that all disciples are called to make other disciples Matt 28:19-20
We believe in and aim to walk in, all the words of Jesus. This includes suffering for Christ – Philippians 1:29.
We believe in and support the full five-fold ministry; whose function it is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Eph 4
We believe in the City Church/ corporate body of Christ, which is made up of the entire body of believers in the community.
We deeply long for, desire and pursue the testimony of Jesus Christ in our lives; being overcomers in this world. Revelation 3:21; 19:10; 12:11
We are passionate lovers and Friends of God, who are true Worshipping, Weeping, Warrior’s (www’s). Having the heart of David – more you less of us. Therefore we gladly die for Him daily. John15:13-15
We always seek to please Father and Jesus in everything we do. John 8:29
We aim to promote a passion and love for Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit by our lives. As the greatest commandment is to love God – Matt 22:37-40.
We are to abide in His love and manifest presence through intimacy and releasing His unconditional love to all those around us. We seek to know the Lord more every day.
We believe that all things are possible for those who believe in God, with Whom nothing is impossible. Mark 9:23; Matt 17:20,21
We seek to enter the Kingdom of God and abide in His Kingdom. Matthew 6:33; Acts 14:22
We see and measure our maturity and success by the following:
- How much more we love the Lord – Deuteronomy 30:6; Matthew 22:37-38
- How much more clearly we see the Lord – Matthew 5:8
- How much more clearly we can hear His voice – John 10:3-5
- How much more we love the brethren – Matthew 22:39
We seek His glory and Kingdom only; we do not seek to promote ourselves.
We focus on building everything through building strong relationships; first with God and then with each other.
We believe that each disciple needs to receive Father’s heart so they can walk as sons of God in the unity of love with One heart and inheriting all things. Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26,27; Rom 8:12-19; Jer 29:11; Rev 21:7
We aim to demonstrate the Fathers heart of love to each other and those we serve and interact with.
We aim to walk in humility by esteeming others better than ourselves.
We seek to be known in heaven not on earth. Therefore we will not promote our ministry or church but we seek to glorify Him.
We aim to walk in the Spirit of Elijah, which is the Spirit of godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Malachi 4:5-6; Galatians 3:28; 2 Corinthians 7:8-11
We aim to walk in humility, righteousness, justice, mercy and truth – Psalm 89:14; Micah 6:8
We aim to walk in truth and integrity and honesty at all times
We include everyone as part of the team, that is the whole family this includes the children.
We only want to be doing what we see and hear the Father doing and saying. This will be done through walking in the Spirit.
We will be known as a house of prayer and worship. TPW! Is 56:7, John 4:23-24
We aim to love the lost and seek their salvation and discipleship.
We promote and support the Father’s Kingdom purposes in Israel
We have a heart for His Body and Bride and are here to serve His church as a whole body.
We aim to promote and seek peace and unity in the body of Christ.
We recognize Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. We recognize the body without walls as Christ is building His body. We seek to recognize Gods people in His body wherever they might be serving.
We aim to walk in the light at all times and being transparent and accountable to each other. 1 John1:5-9
We believe in submitting and being accountable to the fathers and leaders God has placed in our lives.
We believe in godly government as leaders, fathers are called to serve, love, teach, exhort, comfort and rebuke the family under their authority in order to keep unity and order in His house.
We support those who are feeding us spiritually and the weak, directly with our tithes and offerings as we should not mussel the ox (Gal6:6-10, 1 Corinthians 9:1-15).
All the saints needs should be met by and through His body. This especially includes the poor, orphans and widows who are among us (James 1:27; Isaiah 58).