Hosanna In This MomentBy Mirjam HorakHosanna in this moment for our saviour we will see, Fathers Sings Over . Somehow their way of labour reminded me of a picture of Ruth, gleaning in the field, labouring, working. Watch the video belowHosanna in this moment During worship, I began to see a [Read More...]
Lionesses it is time to Arise Into Your Destiny
Are you ready to arise to your destiny?
The Women's Room ~ The Lionesses
These are the mothers of the House, those called to crush the serpents head.
The Lionesses purpose is to call forth women in their God given callings and destinies.
Lionesses Vision
We see revival break out among the women in the Lioness Gatherings. We see hearts ignited for the lost, the weak, the sick and those dying.
We see women find their voices in their communities and cities, where they will impact and transform their environment with the presence of God. In them, through them and to the nations.
We see women healed, trained and equipped to become godly women and wives and examples for the younger women and children.
We see Lionesses Women’s ministry teams raised up and released.
We see wise, noble and humble women arise and crush satan’s head and fulfill their God given destinies.
We see the Lionesses raising up the young lions / cubs to fulfill their destinies in the nations.
We see women are for signs, wonders and miracles!
Lionesses Focus and Mission

Healed and Equipped
The women will be healed, trained and equipped to become godly women and wives and examples for the younger women and children in the house.

Crush the enemies head
We see the wise, noble and humble women arise and crush satan’s head and fulfill their God given destinies - Prov 31, Gen 3

Deborah and Esther's
We see Women’s ministry teams - Deborah’s and Esther’s raised up and released.

For Signs and Wonders
The women are for signs and wonders in these days
“You cannot make WAR with a
You do not have”

Ongoing training and equipping
We are here to help you on your path to lead a tribe / chapter.
We will have live events, offer online training and mentorship programes within the lioness chapters.

join or LeAD a lioness Chapter in your area?
Lionesses hunt in packs and are so much more fearful and powerful, when they operate and fight as one.
Our aim is to establish lioness chapters country wide and internationally.
If you feel led to apply to start a Lioness chapter in your area - Contact us here or
send us a WhatsApp to (+27) 63 348 7084.
I am passionate about God and I am called for revival, Africa and the Nations.
I believe woman and children play an imperative role in this coming revival and that it therefore is very important to equip not just the Lionesses but the cubs as well.
I am passionate about equipping Lionesses to effectively disciple their children and I believe that the Lord has placed a roar inside each Lioness that needs to be released.
I also believe that we as Lionesses need to help one another drink from the River and be refreshed.
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Blog Posts
Buying Time With God
Buying Time With God By Mirjam Horak I saw a huge flower, and I saw myself jumping from petal to petal. I suddenly saw the flower was me. On the petals was writing, and I knew it to be the words over my life. He picks the flower and [Read More...]
Valleys have rivers, look for them
Valleys have rivers, look for them WATCH VIDEO replay below Or on Facebook here The valley of the shadow of death! The enemy has backed many families into the corner…in the valley. Seems as though they are powerless. Sickness, finances and education. More and more out of the school [Read More...]
Warrior Women of South Africa
Warrior Women of South Africa Mirjam Horak Listen to the full recording here I heard the Lord say, “Don’t lay down on the battlefield” I was just about to give in to the overwhelming feeling of giving up and resting right there, in the midst of battle, I was [Read More...]
Abba Father’s Song – Eyes on the Blood, Eyes on the Cross
Mirjam HorakListen to the full audio version of the word below>>I saw the Lord in front of me, and all I could do was focus on Him.He said to me."hold hands with the blood"As He stood in front me, suddenly ALL I could see was the blood of Jesus, [Read More...]
Abba, Help Me I’m tired, I’m weak
Abba, Help Me…I’m tired, I’m weak Mirjam Horak Listen to the audio message below As we were in a time of surrender, I found myself struggling to give it all to Him. Let us go into His tabernacle; Let us worship at His footstool. 8 Arise, O Lord, to Your [Read More...]
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