By Warren David Horak Love Endures All Things You might be asking how long can this carry on? How can endure this? You might even be tempted to give up and throw in the towel. His word to you today is
Discover Father's Heart And
You Will Never Be The Same Again!
Greetings from Warren David Horak, my team and I would love to help you discover your eternal purpose within Father's Heart.

We train and equip you through our online School of Ministry and Discipleship program to fulfill your God given purpose and destiny.
Begin your journey today by receiving life changing
Resources From Father's Heart To Yours
Revival Fire is Coming to Your City
The Lord has given us a clear Blueprint for the coming revival
• Are you hungry for Revival?
• The Lord is calling you to be positioned and trained to take your position in the arrow of revival.
• Only the RAW Power of God can change the HEART our nations
• Read Heaven's Blueprint for Revival and learn how to receive the Spirit of Revival.
• Come join us at our next gathering of fire
Free Online School of Ministry
Are you hungry to do Bible School, but don’t have time and or money?
• Complete a two year course from the comfort of your home, business
or church or learn at your own pace.
• Listen to teachings while you drive or in the bus or taxi
• All the training material including the notes and audio teachings can be uploaded onto your smart phone or any other device
• Get your own personal coach and discipler to mentor you on your journey to fulfill your calling.
Start or Find a House Church
Discover a dynamic and life changing way of having and being church.
• Experience church and fellowship like they did with Jesus and the book of acts as they gathered from house to house.
• Learn from others and then start one in your home or business.
• Revival is about harvest, are you ready to make disciples?
• Find out if there is a house church in your area.
Kingdom Business Cooperation
The Lord told us that Kingdom Business is a vehicle for Revival
• For those who are called in business, this includes farmers, doctors, lawyers and all entrepreneurs.
• We see Kingdom Business people fulfilling their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God.
• We see true revival fire and glory released in South Africa, Africa, Israel and into the nations through Kingdom Business
• Join our learning centre so you can fulfill your calling in the marketplace
Keep up to date with our latest messages
We desire to release fresh bread from heaven on our YouTube Channel
• Watch the prophetic words and teachings that are released on a regular basis
• Watch our Gatherings of FIRE live via our Channel.
• Subscribe and Click the notification bell to be notified of all our videos.
Receive Key Prophetic Words and Teachings
What is Jesus doing in South Africa and across the nations?
• We desire to see what Jesus has in store for us individually and corporately.
• We also focus on equipping the Body of Christ in the prophetic ministry.
• Join us for our Prophetic Ministry 101 course in the School of Ministry.
Healing Rooms and Healing Technician Training!
Learn How To Be Effective At Healing The Sick And Casting Out Demons
Revival is here and each believer needs to know how to heal the sick and cast out demons as Jesus told us in Mark 16:15-18
You do not have to be intimidated any more when you see someone sick or oppressed.
This training will help you to understand theoretically and practically how to help those who are suffering all around you.
Do you want to learn how to heal the set the captives free and heal the sick?
The Women's Room ~ The Lionesses
Calling all lionesses who are ready to arise and shine!
We feel the word of the Lord to the women, the lionesses, at this time is to arise and for their voices to be heard.
It is time to roar, and no longer sit back and be silent, and watch the enemy steal, kill and destroy.
The Lionesses purpose is to call forth women in their God given callings and destinies.
The Joseph Company Arises!
Helping the Poor Releasing Revival and Kingdom Cooperation All In One Move According to Isaiah 58
• God is calling His Army to arise to help the poor and be His hands and feet.
• Building a national database of individuals and organisations helping the poor we can be more effective and efficient.
• Coordinating and strategising with those who have it on their hearts to help the poor in their communities.
• We are looking the way forward and a simple structure to work with to maximise our effect on the communities.
• Join the Joseph Company today
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We are focused on the harvest and help you make disciples and start a house church equipping other to do the same.
We are a family of believers called to reveal Father’s Heart of love, by serving the Body of Christ with His love and grace. We love to share with you the resources that the Lord has given us to enable you to know Him and to please Him.