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Please leave your comments and or questions below and we will come back to you as soon as we can.

If you want to stay connected with us here are some options

Email List You can join our email list for the latest words at this link

Ministry WhatsApp number +27 67 224 0008 for more info 

Join our Free online School of Ministry and become a disciples of Jesus and start a house church sign up here

You can follow us on our Facebook page here 

Join Father's Heart YouTube Channel:

Ministries and groups:

1. Broadcast list on WhatsApp and Telegram

Receive our prophetic messages and teachings. This is not a chat group, but a broadcast group, so there is no chatting. We are trying to migrate as much as possible onto Telegram as Facebook who owns WhatsApp is censoring the truth.

Join us on Telegram here 

Join us on WhatsApp Broadcast Group Here

2. Father's Heart School of Ministry

Equipping you to do the work of the ministry.

This discipleship programme can be used in homes, businesses, farms, churches, prisons, hospitals, schools, colleges and ships or in any other formal or informal setting.
Get to know your eternal destiny written about you before you were even born.
This entire programme is Free and available 24/7 and is continuously been updated with new material.

Join our Free online School of Ministry and become a disciple of Jesus and start a house church sign up here  

3. House Churches and Discipleship

If you want to join a house church fellowship or start a house church then you can find out more here  join us here 

4. The Eagles and Intercessors Group

This is a support group for those called as eagles (prophets) and intercessors to pray and encourage each other. We host this group on Telegram. If you want to join this group click here

5. The Lionesses

Calling all Lionesses (women) who are ready to arise and shine! We feel the word of the Lord to the women, the lionesses, at this time is to arise and for their voices to be heard. It is time to roar, and no longer sit back and be silent, and watch the enemy steal, kill and destroy.

We believe the Lord is going to use the women mightily, in this end-time move of God.

Find out more and subscribe here 

Join the Lionesses Facebook Group here

6. Kingdom Business Cooperation

This is a support group for those called in kingdom business. Many in the Body of Christ are called into the marketplace. This group is for those who are called in business, this includes farmers, doctors, lawyers and all entrepreneurs.

This group is designed to support you through prayer, teachings, tools, prophetic words given to us and many others about Kingdom Business.

We also have a WhatsApp group if you want to join that will become a Telegram group later.

Click here to find out more

Send a Whatsapp here +27 67 224 0008 to join the Kingdom Business WhatsApp group

7. Father's Heart Healing Rooms

Do you need healing or deliverance, or do you know someone who is struggling with sickness or oppression? Then join our Telegram and Facebook Groups to get prayer and learn how to get healed and stay healed and walk in divine health.

The purpose of these rooms is to bring divine health to the church through biblical training in divine healing, deliverance and raising the dead.

Join the Healing Rooms on Telegram here 

Join the Healing Rooms Facebook group here 

Join the Healing Technician Training if you want to be trained in the area of healing and deliverance like Jesus did for His 12 disciples.

8. Cities of Revival WhatsApp Groups

We are praying for and calling forth the torchbearers, intercessors and eagles into position, these are the ones called to host revival in each of the seven cities of revival.

For those called to host and pray for revival in SA in the seven cities of revival. These are intercessors, eagles and torchbearers (those who carry a torch of His presence for revival). There is one group for each of the following cities of Revival - Join here 

  • Cape Town: City of Revival
  • George: City of Revival
  • Port Elizabeth: City of Revival
  • Upington: City of Revival
  • Bloemfontein: City of Revival
  • Durban: City of Revival
  • Johannesburg: City of Revival

Whatsapp us here +27 67 224 0008  to be added on one of these groups.

9. The War Room - Upper Room

We have a team called "The War Room - Upper Room" to focus on Fathers Heart International ministry and our mandate for revival and to transplant His heart in the nations. We are getting very close to the release of full scale revival.

It's imperative that the eagles and intercessors are all in position for this coming battle. We earnestly need the help of eagles and intercessors who feel aligned to our ministry and who would like to join the Upper Room team and watch over the Baby of Revival in South Africa and Africa. 

We have a Telegram group "The Upper Room" which is very focused group and will not be too busy. 

We will also be training material and waiting on Him for battle plan for the nations starting in Africa then Israel and to the rest of the earth.

If you want to apply please read more info here 

10. Off the Grid Group:

We focus on discussing the best food, health, education, business, farming, government, technology, renewable energy, innovations, inventions and alternative solutions for His people.

We have a wealth of valuable information shared on this group. We are preparing to overcome and thrive in the end times.

Click here to join on Telegram 

11. The Joseph Company

For those in the Body of Christ who have a heart for the poor and want to help them by working together with a group of like minded people in the Body of Christ.

To find out more, to register and get access to the Telegram group you can follow this link 

12. Zimbabwe: Heaven's Blueprint Group

We are a group of prophetic intercessors who operate from heaven towards the earth. We are to ascend into heaven and access heavens scrolls for Zimbabwe and to release these scrolls as Heavens Blueprint on Earth in Zimbabwe.

Updated Guidelines and link to join the group is here

God bless you

Father's Heart team

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