Zimbabwe Heaven’s Blueprint
Purpose of this WhatsApp group
We are a group of prophetic intercessors who operate from heaven towards earth.
We are to ascend into heaven and access heavens scrolls for Zimbabwe and to release these scrolls as Heavens Blueprint on Earth in Zimbabwe.
We only do and say what Jesus our King is doing and saying
Watch our first watching and praying video below
WhatsApp Prayer Group Below
Vision for the Group
To see the Lord released and establish His Blueprint for Zimbabwe on earth as it is in heaven.
We see the Lord’s glory been established in Zimbabwe and each city becoming a city of habitation for the Lord.
We see Zimbabwe completely transformed and restored to its original purpose and destiny.
To see true revival fire and glory released in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Africa, Israel and into the nations.
Corner Stone Scriptures
And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
They shall raise up the former desolations,
And they shall repair the ruined cities,
The desolations of many generations. Is 61:4After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” Revelation 4:1
Isaiah 52:8 Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, With their voices they shall sing together; For they shall see eye to eye When the Lord brings back Zion.
1. We are to watch and pray and seek the Lord so we can receive the needed puzzle pieces to pass on to other intercessors who are standing in the gap for Zimbabwe.
2. To continually update the Strategic Prayer Brief for Zimbabwe and to circulate it to the rest of the Body of Christ.
1. FOCUS: This is a prayer group that operates by revelation for Zimbabwe
We operate only by revelation. We are not here to post information about what is going on, on the ground. Unless it is a testimony of answered prayer.
2. Not for personal prayer requests
3. This group is Not for General posts and prayer alerts
This group is not to be used to post national prayer requests or general info as to what the enemy is doing.
This is not for general updates or information on what is happening in the Body of Christ or in the nations.
If there is an *emergency or crisis*, then please ask admin before posting alerts and prayer requests etc. It is up to admin to allow or not allow posts on that issue.
4. Only Post in English
Every tribe nation and tongue will worship before His throne. He loves all peoples and tribes and languages everyone is equal before him.
We use English as the main language of the group even though it might not be your mother tongue. Please only post in English.
5. Only to post revelation that the Lord gives you for Zimbabwe
Please only post the dreams, words and prophetic words that the Lord gives you and others.
6. Posting Videos, Audio Files and Pics:
All videos and audios to have a proper description of the content of video or audio file. Please make sure they line up with the purpose of the group. This rule is here for the following reasons:
~ People have limited time and don’t have the time to listen to your video or audio to find out what it’s all about.
~ Many have limited data and cannot afford to load the whole file to find out what it is all about. Sadly some have been forced to leave the group because of too many posts of large files.
~ This is about helping our brothers and sisters to save time and money by writing a proper detailed description with the audio.
So overall please limit the number of media files (Video, Audio, Pics) that you post, out of love and consideration for everyone on this group.
We also don’t want it to become a general chat group.
Let us stay on point and focus on what He is saying.
You are also welcome to ask questions on the topics of intercession and prophecy.
Please feel free to share this far and wide.
How do you join the group?
If you are called as an Eagle or Intercessor and you resonate and agree with the above mission and guidelines then you are welcome to join the group.
To join click this link here https://chat.whatsapp.com/LZbiF4enMkp6TrB2GfmT67
When you have joined the group. Please introduce yourself, where you are from and tell us what Father has called you to do.
In His service
Warren David Horak