Abba, Help Me I’m tired, I’m weak

Abba, Help Me…I’m tired, I’m weak

Mirjam Horak

Listen to the audio message below

As we were in a time of surrender, I found myself struggling to give it all to Him.

Let us go into His tabernacle;

Let us worship at His footstool.

8     Arise, O Lord, to Your resting place,

You and the ark of Your strength.

9     Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness,

And let Your saints shout for joy.

10     For Your servant David’s sake,

Do not turn away the face of Your Anointed.

Ps 132:7-10

So I prayed very simply,

“Abba, help”

“Abba, help me”

As soon as I said Abba, I could see Him, and He was delighted that I had called Him and asked for help.

He wants to see us more than we want to see Him.. He longs for us more than we long for Him.

Again I prayed,

“Abba, help.. I’m tired, I’m weak…”

And every time I said that, His face would just light up. It pleases Him so much.

Abba, help me

[easy-tweet tweet=””Abba, help.. I’m tired, I’m weak…” And every time I said that, His face would just light up. It pleases Him so much. “” via=”no” hashtags=”AbbaFather” url=””]

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the *Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”* Romans 8:15

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, *crying out, “Abba, Father!”* Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Galatians 4:6-7

So I looked at Him, and He looked at me and for a long time that was all I was experiencing. Just looking at Him.

Suddenly my vision changed and instead of beholding Him, I am holding the face of a person I do not know.

And faces started to appear in front of me, faces of broken women, in pain, tearstained and weary. Faces of all colours and tribes.

And as I look at them and hold the I faces, I find myself declare Abba Father’s love over them one by one.

Speaking words from the heart of the Father, into their broken hearts and lives.

Then the Lord said to me,

“Now take the face of the people that have chosen to physically have distance from you, and sing over them. Pray My love over them”

So I did.

I encourage each one that reads this, to take the face of the daughter that rejected you.

Take the face of the wife that left you, take the face of the children that spit you out.

Take the face of the father that you never knew

Take the face of the mother that didn’t want you, and pray for her, pray for him.

Pray Abba Father bring them home.

Abba Father bring them home

As I did this, and I held faces of those who have rejected me and removed me out of their lives, this song played

“softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling oh sinner, come home”

Listen to the song below in the video >>>

Take the face of your daughter and sing to her,

“come home, come home. Abba Father is calling you home.

It’s about nothing other than the Father’s love. only that love can change our hearts forever.

It is Abba Father’s invite to each of us reading or hearing this, to implement this into our prayer lives.

softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling oh sinner, come home

Suddenly the vision changes again and I am sitting at the table of March that He has shown me before, for this month in particular. I hear thunder as I’m seated there, when suddenly I hear

Abba is at the table!

and He is waiting to eat with us. He is waiting for us to come and receive of Him at the table.

Sons and daughters you are invited to Abba’s table, where He will nourish and sustain you. He will minister to you and wash you. Like a child with their father.

I saw lots and lots of fatherless ones making it to the table.

This is an individual table, a one on one encounter with Him.

so after a while I ask Father, what’s on the menu?

and He says to me,

“Perfect Love”

and I remember how the word says, perfect love casts out all fear.

So I sit down, and start to partake of His love and I experience how all the things in me that want to sit at the table but don’t belong there, start to leave.

As we sit with Him and receive His perfect love, it drives out all fear.

Then I heard,

“The next thing on the menu is refreshments”*

And I see these ministering angels, busy with our hands, our feet, hands, mouth and eyes, just bringing washing and refreshing.

Where we have spoken and have become tired, the Lord brings refreshing

Where we have been listening and became tired, He brings refreshing

Where we’ve been walking and our feet are weary and wounded, tired and dusty, He brings refreshing.

Where our hands are weary from picking others up, or just working and labouring in exhaustion, He comes and brings refreshing.

He comes to refresh us

Lastly, a while later, I saw Jesus as the Victorious One, Standing in this cave opening. He was shining and absolutely glorious in silver.

He called forth the Victorious ones from their caves, and from their hiding places and again He is calling forth these voices.

I saw the ones in the caves that have been hiding in Him, have got the song of victory in them.

The song of victory in them was connecting with the song of victory in the Victorious One –  they had an unbreakable connection and through it.

He is calling them forth out of their hiding places, so they can come forth and declare their song of victory over the land, over cities, and over our nation.

Jesus is the Victorious One, and the land belongs to Him. It was His FIRST!

The burden against Babylon which Isaiah the son of Amos saw.

“Lift up a banner on the high mountain, Raise your voice to them; Wave your hand, that they may enter the gates of the nobles. I have commanded My sanctified ones; I have also called My mighty ones for My anger—

Those who rejoice in My exaltation.” The noise of a multitude in the mountains, Like that of many people!

A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together! The Lord of hosts musters The army for battle. Isaiah 13:1‭-‬4

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