Chronicles of Revival | Part 1 | Cape Town
Willie Vermaak Interview: Is an apostle/evangelist who truly experienced revival in his meetings for years.
Watch this remarkable account of authentic revival in Cape Town and Western Cape.
These amazing outpourings of glory started happening 30 years ago in Cape Town and the Western Cape in South Africa.
Willie Vermaak who has been in fulltime ministry for over 40 years as an apostle/evangelist who has seen thousands of souls saved, healed and delivered.
After 10 years of “normal” signs and wonders in the Western Cape area suddenly the “glory cloud” started to appear over the tent and the services went from normal miracles and deliverances to another level of glory.
The reason we are releasing these Chronicles is to honour the Lord for what He has done in the past and to say to Him “Do IT AGAIN Lord!”
What He has done in the past He wants to do again, but this time on a much higher level.
Watch Part 1 below
The supernatural glory that was released through Willie’s ministry will be released again. This time the Lord wants to release His glory not just over one Church but entire cities and regions.
Let your faith arise as you listen and ask Father to do it again… in Cape Town and in your City and nation.
In His love and fire
Warren and Mirjam Horak
PS: Please share this very encouraging video.
The Two videos from Dutch sheets on the Power of a Testimony are here and here