Marriage Compatibility Test for Christians

Warren David Horak

Should I marry him/her?

If this is a burning question within your heart, then please continue to read this article and take the Marriage Compatibility Test for Christians at the end.

Is she really the one?

The last thing you want to do is marry the wrong person as marriage is a covenant and divorce is not an option.

Once you commit you need to stay married to that person no matter what. Make sure it is the right person.

Is it possible to know if it is the right person?

Yes it is.

This is possible for those who follow the Lord and know His voice. today more than 50% of Christians who get married end up divorced.

Never rush into a marriage covenant. Take your time and wait in the Lord, allow Him to show you and your potential spouse.

This decision is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, as it can and will affect not only you but your existing family and friends, calling and children and grand children that are not even born. This is a generational decision.

God is the match maker

Do not allow parents, pastors or friends to force you to get married. God is the one who chooses your spouse for you as He chose for Adam and Abraham, so He will choose for you, if you allow Him and trust in Him.

Trust Him with a decision that you are clearly not qualified to make as only our Father is able to see ALL and know ALL.

 Download Your FREE Marriage Compatibility Test Here!

Have you really check you and your partners compatibility?

Get your free counseling guide and spreadsheet to test your compatibility. 

Your spiritual leader can help you through the courtship process by using both these documents 

This is a simple Exel spreadsheet where you can both fill in the answers to see whether you are compatible for each other or not

Before you go through the Courtship questionnaire I would recommend you read this following article on Christian Courtship Process. 

These posts are related to the above post

Courtship Versus Dating

Christian Courtship Process

Father's Heart Admin
