Intercessor Training | Warrior Training

Intercession Articles 

Pray The Blood OF Jesus Over The White House
Pray The Blood OF Jesus Over The White HouseMay the WHITE HOUSE become the Light HousePRAYER FOR THE USA 2020[...]
Prayer for Education in South Africa
Prayer for Education in South AfricaThis page is setup to help believers to pray over Education. This page will provide[...]
War Room
The War RoomDear Eagle and Intercessor,I would like you to pray about something that is very close to our hearts.As[...]
Buying Time With God
Buying Time With God By Mirjam Horak I saw a huge flower, and I saw myself jumping from petal to[...]
The Strategic Prayer Brief
The Strategic Prayer Brief This is war. The intensity is going to get much hotter as the end of the[...]
Intercessor Training | Warrior Training
Intercession Articles Opening the Heavens over your City Torchbearer and Intercessor TrainingThis is a very important and critical teaching for Torchbearers and[...]
Preparing a City for His Revival Fire!
Preparing a City for His Revival Fire! In this vision, the Lord goes into detail as to what happens when[...]
Call to all Intercessors to release arrows of light and of blood into the enemy strongholds
RED ALERT: South AfricaCall to all Intercessors to release arrows of light and of blood into the enemy strongholdsDear leader[...]
Warfare Through His Presence and Rest
Johan BootFebruary 2001I was standing in a beautiful garden when the Lord approached me. I saw that He held a[...]
Shut the gates of hell over your city
Take authority and shut the gates of hell over your towns and cities in South Africa URGENT WORD We can[...]
The Blood Soaked Eagles
I Am Calling My Eagles Higher Mirjam Horak I saw eagles that had come back from a flight over the[...]
Praying the Blood of Jesus over South Africa
Praying the Blood of Jesus over South Africa Placing the government "offices" of authority in the Blood of Jesus. South[...]

Opening the Heavens over your City 

Torchbearer and Intercessor Training

This is a very important and critical teaching for Torchbearers and Intercessors.

He called us to release Heavens Blueprint for Farmers in Stellenbosch these two teachings were given to train and equip the intercessors and torchbearers before we addressed the farmers the next day.

In this teaching we cover how to open the heavens in your city and the role of Torchbearer (those mandated to start Revival)  and Intercessor and Eagle (Prophet)

This revelation has largely come from Heavens Blueprint for Revival over the last 10 years.

Intercessor Training Seminar

In this series we have more than 12 teachings which are very practical that will bring you to a whole new level of effectiveness and rest in your ministry as an intercessor.

Part of the training is from a two day workshop we did in Cape Town. These two days were off the charts! His manifest love and power were released to touch each person.

We had some of the most powerful encounters with the Lord in these two days.

Many lives were transformed completely as He healed emotions, minds and bodies.

Mirjam and I have never seen anything quite like this. Father's love and healing were so powerfully demonstrated amongst His most precious intercessors.

Holy Spirit released tremendous prophetic activation

Overall Training focus:

• The Lord focused on the wounded warriors

• The Lord released His healing and strength to equip intercessors with divinely powerful weapons.

• We were able to enter His rest and fight from there.

• Jesus released a massive prophetic impartation and ROAR on day 2, taking us to a whole new level.

Part 1 - He Loves Intercessors 

Opening prayer and fire released over Intercessors
Prayer over intercessors as He declares His love over the intercessors.

Breaking the chains and prophetic word by Gary Best.

Part 2 -  Mirjam Horak shares her story

Mirjam Horak shares her story of her calling into prayer and intercession for a continent. 

Part 3 -  Overcoming Fear

Overcoming fear. How to be delivered from the oppression of fear.
Abba Father sets many free from the spirit of fear by His perfect love.
Do we trust in Him and are we confident in Him.

1. Confess the sin of fear, anxiety, stress etc. 1 John 1:9
2. Resist and cast out the spirit of fear in Jesus Name.
3. Deal with the spirit of trauma - as trauma imbeds itself deep within our soul when we go through fear. Loose your soul from all fear and trauma.
4. Get filled with His Spirit and His perfect love.
5. Receive His new wine - His joy unspeakable full of glory.

Part 4 -  Intercessors Are You Ready For Revival?

Warren Horak

He is redeeming the time when we spend time with Him.
New wine skin for the new wine.
When is Revival Coming?
What will it look like?
Are you ready for Revival?

Make disciples in your house
The authentic is coming forth.

25:00 Prophetic words and ministry

37:00 How to receive His joy - the fruit of His Spirit. Learn how to laugh again. 

Part 5 -  Who is God and what is He doing?

Gary Best

Who is God and what is He doing?
We need to go to Him as He working all things.
His Kingdom cannot be shaken.
We are praying from absolute security.

Four words: you are accepted, you are received, you are authorized and you are empowered. Live that.

Stay focused as an intercessor.. 

Part 6 - The Church Will Stand

In this message Warren Horak covers the following:

God's church will stand. Revival is the preparation for persecution.

Persecution is a blessing. We are not trying to be accepted by man because we are already accepted by God.

There is One Church in Cape Town.

The issue of covering. His Kingdom comes in circles and through mutual submission and accountability. 

Part 7 - Intercessors To Make Disciples

Warren Horak

We are getting ready for revival.

The local church is not a building. The local church is you.

The Blueprint for the Church is Jesus!

What will do when revival comes and God sends you 300 people to your house.

Revival is all about one thing… souls!

The role of an evangelist is to train others how to win souls.

Ephesians 4: 11:12  And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 

Jesus said make disciples not just get them saved. Jesus wants us to be parents.

Jesus is calling intercessors to make disciples.

Books to read: Final quest, The Call, The Sword and Torch, The Path Fire on the Mountain by Rick Joyner.

Part 8 - Healing and Restoration in Father's Love

Time of releasing the pain of fathers and mothers who hurt us.

Overcoming brokenness and rejection and the need to perform.

Receiving and experiencing the Spirit of adoption who cries out Abba Father.

You are a good Father to us, we receive a word of love to us today.

Praying from a healed and whole heart because you are loved and received by your Abba Father.


Direct link to song on Youtube: Jason Upton - "Peace"

Misty Edwards: "All men are broken" 

Part 9 - Dealing With Rejection Through Father's Love

The Lord will save husbands and they won't stay in a box. The Lord will put him in his rightful place and position.

Misty Edwards: "All men are broken"

You have been forgiven and healed. Do not allow the enemy to steal your healing. Tell the enemy to go when he comes again.

Zech 9:11-17 He wants us to return to the stronghold of His love.

You take the enemy out with the word of your testimony. What is your testimony? Use your testimony to take out the giant in the land.
Faith is released when you testify.

The Lord releases oil for a city with the whirlwind starts to move as the intercessors start to surrender. He will then send His fire.

Surrender all including our calendars.

We must drink the NEW WINE in order to ROAR.

Dealing with the spirit of Rejection.

Forgive and learn to love your enemies.

Receive the Spirit of Adoption. The spirit of adoption overcomes the spirit of rejection. Now you are secure in His love.

The root is fear, and insecurity.

Knowing Father's love is at the top of the mountain.

Spirit of Adoption by Jason Upton song

Lion of Judah song by Jason Upton  

Now ROAR with the Lion of Judah!!!

The Lord releases His eagles out of their cages!!

They now flew in a V formation!

Listen to the song by Jason Upton - Fly - there are angels singing on the song

Part 10 - Staying Clear of Deception

The whirlwinds from God have been released to shake religion and the whirlwinds empty people of themselves creating a hunger for God.

We need to just surrender and allow the whirlwind of God to take us up.

When we speak from the place of the Spirit it will happen. When we speak from the ground nothing happens.

The whirlwind sucks up everything of you so that He can release everything of Him.

We need to release these whirlwinds of God over our cities daily as we surrender.

The Divine Order:

1. Water = word of revelation
2. Blood of Jesus
3. Oil of anointing of His Spirit
4. Fire of His presence

We are learning to host revival. We receive the spirit of Revival through surrender see pic here  

We need all the pieces of the puzzle to see the whole picture.

We receive His oil as we surrender daily. We have to learn how to surrender all as in the garden of surrender.

Count all things as loss to gain Christ!

Give up your Isaac. The most valuable things in your life.
He is able to raise your Isaac from the dead.

21:05 Dealing with the anti-anointing spirit

Beware of resisting the anointing that is the anti-christ spirit.

Beware of studying the devil, you will become like him.

Beware of blaspheming the Holy Spirit when God moves in a way that does not fit in your box. In Revival God will work in extra ordinary signs and wonders. Matt 12:22-32

The test is does it bring you closer to Jesus.

Focus on Truth to stay in the Truth, do not focus on the all the deceptions. Jesus is the truth. Make yourself accountable to others will protect.

We must fear our enemy, the only fear that is holy is the fear of God.

Part 11 - Dealing With Backlash

Make sure you close all spiritual and natural doors before and on the mission.

Unforgiveness opens the door to backlash. Do not take offence.

Practising sin will also open the door to backlash… fear is a sin. If you practice this sin then the door is open.

Make sure you have the Lord directs instruction to do whatever you do when it comes to spiritual warfare.

Be prepared by bathing and being washed and covered by His blood. Make sure there is peace at home.

Singing in tongues causes you to be hidden from the enemies radar. The enemy cannot find you.

Angels listen to His word. When we sing in tongues the Holy Spirit is speaking through us and the angels listen to what we sing and obey the instructions they hear coming through us by Holy Spirit.

Do you believe that when we sing in tongues that the Lord releases His heavenly host.

Discern what and to whom you release - all revelation is not to be released just to anyone. Do not cast your pearls before swine. He releases His revelation on a need to know basis.

Part 12 - Eagles Fly Formation and Unity Dethrone the Enemy

Out of all the training videos this is the most powerful. Please take time to watch and to tap into His power on this video!

Divine set up for His ROAR to be released. Amazing testimony releases a supernatural ROAR!

Releasing the ROAR for families, cities and nation.

We must ROAR over our circumstances.

The Lionesses have ARISEN in Cape Town.

Jesus the Lion of Judah (PRAISE) has ARISEN!

Opening the GATE of PRAISE!

Receive the DNA of the Lion of Judah!!!

When the lion starts roaring the eagle's will be soaring then South Africa it is time for my fire!

As we roar the Lion is devouring the chains of shame the enemy has placed on you.

Choose between His power or your dignity.

20:10 Vision of eagles in unity dethrones the enemy by Mirjam

Saw the eagles fly in formation over Cape Town City. They were in unity there was a beautiful rising up of eagles over Cape Town today.

The V formation - is the wisdom of the geese, means that they keep swopping the lead position so they can fly in the slip stream and the whole flock of geese can fly much further because of this.

When the eagles fly in unity there is an authority that dethrones the enemy from his supposed territory.

We need to take back the air.

No longer are we acknowledging the principalities, we are now glorifying Jesus. Crowning Jesus!

Cape Town belongs to Jesus… it does not belong to the enemy.

31:00 Testimonies of breakthrough

Eagles carrying the oil all over the city..

37:00 Releasing arrows into the strongholds over Cape Town

Saw the key released, the door is opened. The keys of David is in the praise and the surrendering.

The enemy is forced to surrender their authority.

40: 40 Brenda: Freedom from the orphan spirit and spirit of rejection. Powerful testimony of Fathers love.

48:00 Prophetic dream of fire of revival over Cape Town, then South Africa and then all of Africa.

Saw people praising God with the flames of God on them.

Saw atom bomb explode and steel doors opening for those inside.

Warren David Horak

A disciple of Jesus | A son of God | Serial Entrepreneur | Business Mentor | Finding your Purpose Unlocking Your Destiny in Him | Kingdom Business Cooperation
