Psalm 100 your heavenly cheque

By Warren Horak

This series of teachings will really help you understand why TPW is so important and also what happens you are faithful as a true worshipper of God.

I would like to start by laying a foundation to this most powerful revelation of worship.

It all started in 1996 the Lord started to teach me what worship is and how to worship Him. Since then He has been giving me more and more revelation concerning worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth.

Worship that truly pleases our Father and Jesus. I started to worship Him early in the morning each and every day from around June 1996.

It was awesome to spend this time in His glory and presence.

The enemy went wild and all hell started to break loose around me to get me off track. Yet I continued and from there He gave me revelation after revelation.

He showed me the end time war on earth is all about WORSHIP. The only way we will win the battle is through true worship by His Spirit.

The enemy wants our worship – the enemy has built his entire kingdom on stolen thanks and praises that belong to God.

He gave me the revelation about Kingdom business in 1997 – which is business purposed for His Kingdom expansion on earth and that is owned by Him.

He then took us in into corporate worship at Classiclean (A Christian owned business) where He gave us many miracles and breakthroughs in the detergent market against the giant called Unilever with a washing powder called Bio Classic.

Before our final breakthrough came we needed to walk in the fear of the Lord. We had a day of repentance on 20th January 1998 where we repented to the Lord and to our 120 staff and also to our suppliers for not walking according to the ways of the Lord. Father now gave us grace and poured out His mercy on us and restored the business.

All through this time, we were continuing to repent and do thanksgiving and praise in our boardroom every week.

I believe these are some of the keys many in business and ministry need to use today to overcome the giants that are standing in their way.

Dream of Psalm 100

At the beginning of 2008 the year we were launching our new business and a new detergent called BIOMatic the Lord started the year off to get me refocused on worship.

This was the beginning of the revelation of TPW – which stands for Thanksgiving Praise and Worship. I say, “TPW” instead of worship because we need to have each of these three components activated to be able to worship Him in Spirit and truth.

In the dream, I had to put Psalm 100 in my pocket where my wallet would go. He was showing me that I should just use Psalm 100 to receive whatever I needed.

He showed me that no matter what we need from the Lord if we have prayed the prayer of faith according to the word in Mark 11:24, that all we need to do is continue in thanksgiving and praise as Psalm 100 states.

We should always enter His gates with thanksgiving and continue to thank Him for meeting all our needs no matter what happens. These needs can be financial, emotional or physical and whatever we need.

He has taught me to rather prayer simple prayers of now faith, than long and many prayers of unbelief pleading with Him for answers.

He taught me that if I really believe that He has heard and answered my very first prayer; then I would thank Him and praise Him for the answer as it is already settled in heaven.

I even printed Psalm 100 out and gave it to people calling it the heavenly cheque. I still have one of these in my wallet. When I don’t have money I pay for everything with thanksgiving and praise.

I have seen Father release provision and amazing miracles when I choose to give Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise no matter what is going on around me.

I encourage you to enter into His gates with thanksgiving right now and thank Him for what trusting Him for. You will see miracles!

Your Heavenly Cheque 

My Heavenly Cheque Psalm 100

To download these heavenly cheques for you to print you can click the button below to access the word document which can laminate and pass out to the others to place in their wallets. 



Been struggling and yesterday I started going through your TPW teaching. I printed myself a cheque and spent all afternoon in TPW...
Placed yesterday midday in my purse...
And woke this morning to a R10k corporate booking! YAY GOD!
Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing all the Lord is revealing to you. 

Sue Jameson Joy Activist & Laughter Coach

Listen to Sue's Testimony below

Over to you, please leave your questions, comments and testimonials below...

Father's Heart Admin

  • Beryl Roper says:

    YES, in total agreement with Violet. Whilst reading, felt a shaking /moving in my inner being and something clingy with a heaviness being lifted from me. Also agreeing fully that WORSHIP does change the atmosphere around us and lifts us to a higher realm where PPRAYERS of THANKSGIVING starts bubbling bringing such a feeling of JOY and STRENGHT that we really can do all things.

    Thank you for THESE PEARLS OF WISDOM contained in this email. This has enriched my understanding and believe beyond measure today. Will carry it WITHIN me going forward and upward.


    • Hi Beryl,

      Wow that’s wonderful. Yes to thank Him brings us to whole new place in the spirit.

      It is our pleasure to release what Father gives to us.

      May Father bless you and your house

  • Violet says:

    Very inspiring message. God bless you

    • Hi Violet

      Thank you for your kind comments. Its a blessing to see the true seekers finding the living water.

      God bless you infinitely

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