Here fishy fishy - Calling fish
Calling Whales, Sales and Souls
In 2013 the Lord sent an angel to Mirjam in order to teach me how to catch fish. Here fishy fishy Calling fish has taken us to whole new dimension in business and ministry.
The Lord has called us all to be fishers of men. This revelation deals with fish being souls and fish being sales and provision from Father.
A business without sales will go bankrupt. If you need to increase the income of your business and life through increased income generation then you will really be blessed by watching this.
This revelation will show you how to grow your sales Supernaturally by His power.
Also, this will help you call in souls into His Kingdom so you can make disciples. It is harvest time.
Jesus called His disciples and He wants you to call in souls into His Kingdom.
This strategy has really worked in a supernatural way for us in business and in ministry.
Watch till the end of this video there is a surprise in the last 2 minutes of the video
Calling Fish is such a powerful weapon from heaven.
You can learn how to use the Powers of the Age to come to Grow Your Kingdom Business.
Is Business as usual not working anymore?
Are you battling to make ends meet?
Are your sales slowing in your business?
Are you battling to grow the ministry the Lord gave you?
Then fasten your seat belt as I share this powerful weapon the Lord has released to grow your business and even harvest souls for His Kingdom.
Father desires to take us from our own efforts, of blood sweat and tear to supernatural business. Where He gives us our inheritance and causes us to enter His rest.
I have been in business and sales and marketing for about 30 years now.
I have sold and marketed many products. He taught me from the days of door to door selling when I sold solar heaters in the 80's and now to advanced online marketing strategies using Google and Facebook and other internet tools.
I thought I knew how to sell. Until I hit the wall!
In the natural, I knew how to sell and even trained salespeople. This was about to change from the natural ways to supernatural ways - the Highway of His way.
No matter what I did or how hard I worked I just couldn’t grow my sales.
I was working harder than at any time in my life, and it seemed like I was getting nowhere.
We were really battling to survive financially. Each month end was such a major issue. A time of great fear and stress.
I was fighting fear, unbelief, discouragement and lack all at the same time.
I was relying on my own sales and business skills to grow the sales, His grace allowed me to fail.
He has been teaching that He will and wants to do all the works for me.
Jesus who was 100% God and 100% man was so humble that He only did what He saw His Father in Heaven doing…
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing John 15:5
Therefore I can do nothing without Him and everything I do without Him is nothing.
And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it John 14:23-14
Weapons for Financial Breakthrough
The Lord showed Mirjam and I, ten divinely powerful weapons to use in order to get breakthrough in our lives, especially in the area of finances.
This article is focusing on only one of these weapons He has given us. Which is calling fish.
Each time we got a weapon, we used it and it worked immediately. Then we got busy with the business and the net results of using the weapon and "forgot" to use it consistently.
Later the Lord told me to keep using all the weapons everyday to see consistent results.
Condition to accessing the powers of the age to come
The Lord is now releasing powers of the age to come according to Hebrews 6:5.
In order for you to be entrusted with these powerful weapons you need to fully embrace Galatians 2:20 and walk in the reality of the crucified life.
Denying yourself and your own will is imperative to being in position to use these powers of the age to come. These weapons are not there to fulfil your own plans and agenda.
To walk in Galatians 2:20 we need to live a life of total surrender to Him. Denying our own will and desires and taking up our cross to do His will in our lives.
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Luke 9:23-24 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.
Consistency is a key to consistent breakthrough
So, as I was saying…
I thought I knew how to do sales…
Until the Lord sent Mirjam my wife an angel in a dream that changed everything for me.
Calling Fish Dream
By Mirjam Horak
I saw an angel with Warren as he stood by a lake.
I heard him say,
"I'm going to teach Warren how to fish”
So I was expecting to see a fishing rod or fishing net of some sorts.
Instead, as the angel pointed to a place in the lake I could see the fish swimming in the water.
Some big, some small, some huge and all different colours and shapes.
I was rather surprised I could see them so easily.
I then heard the angel tell Warren,
"Call the fish to come"
I realized we don't fish with rods, we fish with our mouth and tell the fish to obey us; and come!
I then saw the sales graph going up and up and the angel showing Warren and talking Warren through the sales graph.
You could choose what fish you wanted to call when you saw it.
~End of dream~
A Miracle in the making
As I said earlier, at this stage in our lives we were really battling financially.
I started to call the fish in just like the angel said.
In the meantime we were given notice at the house we were renting. We didn't even have enough for rent at that stage.
God was busy with a miracle. So He had to bring us to our end!
We had 30 days to find a house and move, which meant we had to pay two month's rent, enough for a deposit and the first month's rent.
The house God showed us to rent was more than three times the rent we were currently paying. He had sent an angel one year prior to our move, to show us the direction and the exact distance that we had to move.
This could of been an extremely stressful time for Mirjam and I.
David our son was only nine months old at the time, and now we were forced to move. This is the last thing we wanted or needed, so we thought.
Here we were having to find enough money to pay double rent and a house that suited our needs in less than 30 days.
As that stage, we didn't even have enough for that month's rent.
I think we had about R1500 / $100 in our bank account.
We saw this lovely house and knew we couldn't afford it.
We were praying about whether He wanted us to rent this house when God stepped things up.
He reminded us of the dream He gave Mirjam over a year before that. Where an angel told Mirjam that we were to go north and then east 14km.
So we knew the house was in the right area, in fact, it was within 100 meters of the directions the angel gave us.
But we were concerned about the monthly rental and deposit. It was way out of our budget.
The Lord then gave Mirjam another dream.
Mirjam saw in the dream that I was about to sign a document. As I was about to put my signature on it,
Mirjam said,
"but isn't it too expensive?"
I looked at her with a smile and said this is because I have signed the contract and I then signed the document.
On the bottom of the document there was a footer that said,
"I crown the year with my goodness."
This is quoted from Psalm 65:11
This dream came on the eve of the new year Roshashana 2013. A whole new era had begun.
I had not yet signed the sales contracts that Mirjam had dreamt about.
While I was calling for the fish, two large contracts for Online Marketing came through, one from Germany and one from Polokwane.
I now knew that the house was for us. Just five days before we had to move, I signed two sales contracts that were worth R65 000 / $4600
Praise the Lord! WOW
Mirjam and I went and signed the lease a day later, the next day the money was transferred from Germany and the other from South Africa so we could pay the double rent.
Isn't God amazing?
We had more than enough for the move and the double rent.
Now fast forward to November 2014.
God gave Neil Vorster and I a property investment business, Organic Growth in January 2013. This is a Kingdom Business where we help people invest in Buy-to-Let properties and retire early. This business was birthed in worship and much prayer.
Organic Growth helps transfer wealth so that people can get financially free so that working is optional. This releases many to get on with their callings.
This new business was battling for sales, I just didn’t know what else to do.
I was also falling into the trap of putting the hat of mammon on, which is fear, anxiety and stress about finances. Please take time to learn about the hat of mammon here.
So I was telling Mirjam about our sales struggles.
She just calmly said,
"Why don’t you do what the fishing angel told you to do?"
It was like she slapped me in the face with a wet fish… no pun intended.
Can you imagine, I had moved on and with all the pressures of life I had forgotten about that powerful weapon the Lord had given me.
Over and over He has told us to lean not in our own abilities and understanding, especially not our own works. Sweat will not cause us to prosper in Kingdom Business.
Back to the Fishing Dream
So I quickly repented and studied the dream again....
While I was taking notes as the Lord opened it up even further for me, I felt I wanted a picture to place on Trello which is a project management tool I use.
So I googled "calling fish" and this is what I found.
Enjoy! Please stop reading and watch this video
Watch "Sesame Street: Bert and Ernie Fish Call" on YouTube - Here fishy fishy Calling fish
I watched that video in amazement as it so confirmed what Mirjam has seen and heard from the fishing angel that video Over 30 years ago Sesame Street created this amazing video.
It has now been watched over 5 million times. I believe it was created to confirm this dream as a sign and wonder.
I was so excited watching that video of Bert and Erni I screamed and called Mirjam and later called Neil my partner in Organic Growth came and watched it needless to say we were extremely excited.
We jumped into action and started calling investors in. Wow did we see results.
Neil who deals directly with the investors has got so many testimonies of miracle sales.
So from that time to this, we have always had more investors than sales stock as long as we keep calling the sales in.
In one month we sold 17 properties all in a matter of minutes.
This supernatural and was confirmation of what the Lord had told us and even a dream that Neil had about using the weapons of the age to come.
So each time we need sales we just call in the fish and sales comes in supernaturally.
This blows people's minds, but it works, praise His Holy Name.
Many fish jumping in the Boat
In Jan 2017 we in the lounge about to pray and David my son who had just turned four years old says,
"the fish are jumping into the boat"
So we searched and found this video
Just watch this! This is a picture of major blessing and revival though God using anointed families who make the right noise.
When we make the right sound in the spirit the fish both sales and the harvest will just jump in the boat.
By the way the fish jump into that boat because the boat is making the right noises.
When we might the right noises corporately we will sales growth and revival like this.
As people will just jump into our business boats and get saved because of the glory of God in our midst as we do loud TPW (Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship) and loud Roaring with Breakthrough praises as the Lord has shown us.
Practical, so how do you call fish?
Glad you asked here are the some of the lessons I have learnt on how to call fish with the here fishy fishy Calling fish weapon.
What are the fish?
The fish represent people. This can mean new clients or even souls to be saved.
God has created these fish for His purposes and in this case to feed those in His Kingdom. This is to feed our families and the nations.
This is how the wealth transfer will happen.
Then you shall see and become radiant,
And your heart shall swell with joy;
Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you,
The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.
The multitude of camels shall cover your land,
The dromedaries of Midian and Ephah;
All those from Sheba shall come;
They shall bring gold and incense,
And they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord. Isaiah 60:5-6
God calls and prepares fish for us to help and feed us and for us those we serve
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah Jonah 1:17
Now the Lord speaks to the fish and tells it what to do.
So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land. Jonah 20:10
Just like he prepared the fish to get the taxes for the temple Matt 17:27
Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.”
Jesus also called the fish into the nets when the disciples were tired and had done business all night without any success. No fish equals no sales income for a fisherman.
They had used up all their natural abilities and business growth skills with zero results. The Lord was about to show them how to fish supernaturally.
Jesus said He was going to make them into fishers of men when He called them to follow Him.
Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17
Luke 5:1-10 So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, 2 and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets.
3 Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
5 But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.”
6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”
9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; 10 and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”
11 So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him
Jesus set them up stopped the harvest to teach them to depend only on His words. When they obeyed He called the fish into their nets.
Not only one boat/ business was blessed but two boats were blessed out of the ones boats obedience.
This will happen again with your business and your ministry as You obey Him as He makes you a fisher of men.
John 21: 3-12 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”
They said to him, “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing.
4 But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”
They answered Him, “No.”
6 And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.
7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea. 8 But the other disciples came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits), dragging the net with fish.
9 Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread. 10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.”
11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken.
12 Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. 13 Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.
It is obvious to me that Jesus called the fish at some stage, in order to feed His disciples.
He said do you have some food? He loves them and therefore feeds them and gives them more than enough. So they would make God their source and not their own hard work. Even though they were fishermen who knew how to catch fish.
His grace stopped their harvest so that He could bring them into the realm of the supernatural.
He had to teach them a whole new way of fishing. Like He said follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Not the conventional methods – rods and lines and nets.
No matter what methods you have been using, you cannot depend on these. You need to depend completely on the Lord and walk in the supernatural to operate in Kingdom Business.
With conventional sales and marketing, you place your net in the water and can’t see the fish and hope they come to your net or bait on your line.
Instead of luring the fish/people with bait; we now identify the fish through supernatural words of knowledge and spiritual sight and then we call them and command them to obey.
They then come to us and present themselves to us on the shore.
This is a supernatural way of doing business that will get major results with very little effort. The world calls this scaling your business, God calls this supernatural blessing and multiplication.
How did Moses escape the Egyptians?
How did they cross the red sea?
How did Abraham have Isaac?
How did Joshua overcome the giants?
All by God's hand through faith and spiritual vision.
If you can see them you can call them
We must see the fish with eyes of faith.. can you see the fish in the image below?
Watch carefully... if you can see them you can call them...
The lake that Mirjam was standing next to in this dream, is the market place….
I must be looking at and in the market place to see the fish. Not with natural eyes as you normally can't just see fish in a lake at a distance unless the Lord opens your eyes.
Ask Jesus to open your eyes to see the fish.
He said, if you can see them you can call them.
Instead of fishing rod, vision was given
How do I see these fish?
We must ascend to be with Him as we see Him so He will show us the fish. This is supernatural eyesight in the marketplace. We must ask Him to cleanse our eyes with eyes salve, His blood, Word and Spirit.
God will show you and open your eyes as to where the fish are…. If you can't see them, then you can't call them.
The angel pointed the fish out - The key is seeing the fish that the Lord shows you through the fishing angel as these are part of our inheritance.
Ask the Lord to send you a fishing angel who will open your eyes to the fish and give you the faith as you see with the Lords the eyes your own fish. Your inheritance.
They were all in one place swimming together.
There is a specific place or specific market or territory for you.
This is very specific targeting – go to a market and look for fish and call them in.
You must look into the marketplace to see the fish. Identify the fish and call them in.
What market or territory has the Lord called you and what type of clients do you want?
We must first be in a place – environment where I can see the fish so I can call them.
It helps if you can even call them by name as they answer to their names:
This could be a person or a specific business – each business has a name…
Lift up your eyes on high, And see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, By the greatness of His might And the strength of His power; Not one is missing. Isaiah 40:26
What fish do I choose?
Any fish that He shows me that I can see I can choose.
Fishing, in this case, is His way or providing for your family's needs, as He loves you and will always provide for you and your family.
We must use wisdom and discernment to call the right fish after I have seen the fish.
We must call the fish and tell them to obey
In the concordance calling means to proclaim. to read aloud, read (to oneself), to summon, invite, call for, call and commission, appoint, call and endow. to call, name, give name to, call by.
Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, And nations who do not know you shall run to you, Because of the Lord your God, And the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you.” Isaiah 55:5
His glory favour over me is what attracts them.
This reminds me about how Jesus called His disciples --- He prayed, then He saw each disciple His Father showed Him.
Luke 6:12-13 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. 13 And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles:
After this He called each one by name!
And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 17 Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 18 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
What use is a net or a rod if there are no fish?
Jesus sees the fish and then calls the fish to the line, hook or net.
This is the traditional tools of fishing.
Jesus now says we can call the fish onto the shore.
How does Jesus do this?
He sees the Father doing it --- calling the disciples…
He simply calls them by name in the spirit --- when they hear the call they obey as they have heard Fathers call in their hearts already.
Mark 8:34 When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also. Just like Jesus did.
The call is a call of faith and inheritance….
How do I do this, practically
Go where He shows you.
Call them each day in the Spirit as you can see on the video above.
Then you can: Email them, Phone them, advertise etc.
How do I call them?
Call them loudly and they will obey the call of faith. See the video for example.
It all starts with seeing the fish and then calling them in the spirit.
Say loud as you can Here fishy fishy!!! Call them by faith. You can mention names if you have names.
Wherever you have been called in whatever field you are placed. You have authority to call things and people into alignment with His will.
You have a designated area of inheritance that you are allowed to call by His grace.
The Sales graph going up and up
In the dream, the angel was talking me through the sales graph that was going up and up. This is the sales by faith, when I see it going up and have faith for this then shall happen.
Why angel was explaining the graph to me?
Each fish that is caught will produce a harvest which will appear on the graph.
The more consistent I am at seeing the fish and calling them in the more they will come in. This is supernatural sales increase.
Consistently calling fish will give you consistent cashflow
Consistently calling the fish you want daily and loud is the key.
Listen to this powerful testimony which was recorded on our discipleship call on Skype with our Cape Town team. The testimony is from Anton and Christelle Bothas, who are both called into the market place.
Prayer and Action
Father in Jesus Name I ask you to open my eyes and send the fishing angel to help me see the fish you want me to call in. Whales, sales and souls. Give me Your faith to call them in. Amen
Now take time to watch and pray and see what He shows you and call them in just like we did on the video.
Over to you, please give me your questions, comments and testimony.
Please make sure you also read The Gates of Provision. There is no use calling fish and you have closed the gates of provision. This is a very powerful life changing revelation on God's provision in your life