The Strategic Prayer Brief

The Strategic Prayer Brief

This is war.

The intensity is going to get much hotter as the end of the age draws closer.

He wants us to overcome and praying and doing warfare the way we are used too will not work and give us victory that He promised.

We need to operate in strategic level warfare in order to win.

One of the reasons we lose so many battles is because the army is operating in fear and reacting to the enemies attacks.

The Lord has given us a clear strategy to win this battle and war we are in.

This is a spiritual war and must be fought with all our armour and weapons and in unity with all the battle groups working with Jesus and each other.

The end time principality of lawlessness is trying to make our towns, cities and nations ungovernable.

We have been given authority the Lord showed us recently that we are to shut the gates of hell over our cities.

You can find all the intercessor training here on this link

The enemy will always try and engage us on the ground. We are called to fight from our position in heaven. From His manifest presence and rest.

Then and only then we will see great victories and sustained victories we keep the walls up.

The key is praying prophetically (in alignment with what the Lord is saying) in agreement and in unity.

This means we hear and see what Jesus is doing in our towns and cities and nation and then we pray what He is doing and saying. This means we must first watch before we pray.

We must wait on Him and fly in the Spirit to see what Jesus is doing in heaven for your city.

If we get close enough to Him and quite enough, we will hear His prayers and words over our towns and cities.

The problem is the soldiers (watchmen) are randomly firing at will as they see fit. As with all armies we need intel.

We need to operate from His rest and His presence in order to win

The intel comes from the eagles who are the prophets. Every prayer group needs both eagles and intercessors. They need to walk as one.

All eagles are intercessors, but not all intercessors are eagles(prophets).

The intercessors need to walk with prophets and with apostles.

The Eagles get heavens blueprint and battle plan and give it to the apostles.

The apostles take the pieces of the puzzle and see the bigger picture and then write the prayer brief for the intercessors and the rest of the army.

The intercessors now use the weapons and prayers and blueprints in the form of the Strategic Prayer Brief given to the apostles.

As the battle continues the eagles will see more and more and need to give that heavenly intel back to the apostles who can collate into an updated strategic prayer brief.

These three giftings need to come into heavenly alignment for us to have major victories and keep the ground we have taken.

We all need to pray prophetically which means to first watch and then pray.

Jesus only did what He SAW the Father doing.

We must be in agreement.

How can we be in agreement and pray the prayer of agreement if we do not know what the Lord has said and is busy doing in the town or city?

Let us now look at what to do in a crisis and then look at the Strategic Prayer Brief.

What to do when a crisis hits

  1. Do not stir up fear in order to get people to pray. This only empowers the devil further.  Just pray in tongues while the prayer brief is being written.
  2. Walk in love, ask Him to fill you with His perfect love that casts out all fear.
  3. Confusion: Beware of confusion and praying in a hundred different directions. We need a clear plan of action from the Lord and then to follow what our Captain says.
  4. Wait on the Lord and ask Him what is He doing in this crisis. Ask Jesus for grace, wisdom and clear direction
  5. Ask Him for scripture for the battle

The Strategic prayer brief

Then the Lord answered me and said:

Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;

But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it; *Because it will surely come,*

It will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2-3

If the Lord is leading you to pray for a city, town or situation it is the apostles’ job to write the prayer brief before asking for prayer for your town or city.

The Strategic Prayer Brief is a very powerful point by point strategic brief that will enable the army to get inline and fire their weapons in Unity and on point.

It does not help to mobilise, machine gun prayers in all directions. This will only cause a momentary break in the enemies attacks, only for him to come back harder when the prayer stops.

Walk in love, ask Him to fill you with His perfect love that casts out all fear.

We need to fight like soldiers not like slaves.

We must know His voice and we follow Him into this battle.

We must operate from His presence and rest

We have to have focus and pray what Jesus is praying over your town or city.

This type of intercession will get results as we are lining up with the Captain of the hosts and the rest of the army.

Strategic Steps for the Prayer Brief

We need a simple and powerful prayer brief from the Eagles to the Intercessors and the general body of Christ to act in unity:

1. Describe the situation

The situation on the ground. Briefly describe the issue on the ground without going into too much detail.

What date and time did it start?

Is this info verified? A prayer brief cannot be sent out unless the info is verified.

Who is the contact person?

Do you have a team on the ground on WhatsApp or SMS to send the prayer brief to?

Write the date and time and the names of people who put it together. This is very important for accountability.

2. What is Jesus doing in this situation?

Once the above brief description is written it needs to be given to the eagles who are the prophets to watch over.

They need to see what Jesus is doing in this situation.

Without accurate prophetic word and vision, we will not be accurate in using our weapons.

The most important question of all is this one. What is Jesus doing in this crisis?

Jesus only did what He SAW the Father do. So we must only do what we SEE Jesus doing.

Jesus is in charge of the armies of heaven and the army of God on earth. We should show Him respect and ask Him first before we just pray.

Jesus is never surprised by any crises. He has a plan for every crisis before it ever even arises

It is very important to focus on to build faith rather than fear generating pictures and videos and audios coming from all over.

These types of media blind the watchmen and they become less effective. The art of victorious warriors is the art of keeping our eyes on the Captain of the Hosts in the heat of the battle. We need to keep calm even when the bullets are flying.

3. Identify the strongman

What is the sin and strongman in this situation? If this crisis is caused by the enemy then we need to know how he got in and what’s sin is he using as the entry point.

If this is a judgment from God then we need to ask the Lord the sin and focus on repentance and asking God for mercy!

4. Scriptures and Prophetic words – Sword of the Spirit

Ask Him for specific scriptures to pray and proclaim. Our main weapon is the Sword of the Spirit, this is scriptures the Holy Spirit gives you in the battle to release as arrows into the stronghold of the enemy.

5. Write the Strategic Prayer Brief

Now write it out in a clear format with line breaks in between points.

Get the agreement of someone called to war who operates in the apostolic to check out the brief.

Keep it simple and focused.

Write the date and time and the names of people who put it together. This is very important for accountability.

Once there is unity SEND the prayer brief to prayer leaders and coordinators. This prayer brief can now be circulated to the watchmen in the different groups and lists to pray in a concise and unified way.

This will bring results because we are operating according to the battle plan in heaven and we are in unity with our King and Captain of the Hosts of the armies of Heaven.

6. TPW –  Spirit and Truth 

Once this has been actioned and you have gone through the watching, repenting, praying, binding & loosing, releasing arrows of light and blood, proclaiming etc.

Then complete the warfare with TPW – Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship.

Here are some key teachings and videos on Spiritual Warfare

7. Feedback

It is very important to provide feedback.

If this crisis is continuing you will get feedback from the prophets and watchmen. Include this in a prayer brief update for the next round in the battle.

Please provide feedback as soon as there are victories this is very motivating to the watchmen.

Let them know when the job is done and thank them for their support.

Example Strategic Prayer Brief for a City

The following prayer brief is an example strategic prayer brief for a city this is much more in detail than a prayer brief for a crisis. This was designed to be sent via whatsapp but you can save it on Word as well.

Mitchells Plain: Strategic Prayer Brief

*Latest Update:* 17 May 2018 @ 11h00
*First Brief:* 17 May 2018 @ 11h00

*Area:* Mitchells Plain, Western Cape*

*Google Map:*  Link to Map 


This Strategic Prayer Brief is to enable to Body of Christ and the watchmen to rise up and in Unity with the Captain of the hosts to take their town and cities.

This is a living document and should be updated as and when needed. It is up the watchmen of the city to keep this document updated and released to all leaders and intercessors who are praying for the city.

How to win this battle and the war

Before we enter the battle. Let us prepare our hearts!

The word of God clearly reveals that this is not a physical battle against people, but against principalities and powers of darkness.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we do not wrestle against *flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.*

 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13

As we enter into each battle with our King it is important to wait on Him for Him to lead and guide us.

We need to enter His rest and presence and fight as kings and not as slaves of fear. We are His sons and daughters and He has won the battle at the cross.

Jesus never loses a fight He enters.

He has already every battle we are about to enter into! He is already victorious.

 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Matt 28:18

And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,  which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Ephesians 1: 19-23

If you are a born-again believer then He has given you authority…

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Make sure before you start to pray that you do the following that you are ready

1. Surrender yourself – spirit soul and body and the entire battle into the Blood of Jesus and bind it to the cross.

2. Repent for your sins

3. Ask Holy Spirit to bring you before the throne of Abba Father.

4. Once you are in His presence and experience His rest and peace you can proceed.

Find out more here about spiritual warfare:

Condensed Hour of Power document – prayer guide to encounters with God!

Blood Soaked Eagles

Warfare through His presence and rest

The Blood Dimension Part 1

The Blood Dimension Part 2

The Blood Dimension Part 3

*First Draft*

This document will be updated once we have feedback from the eagles (prophets) as to what Father is doing.
Eagles please pray over this and see what Father gives you so we can then circulate it to the rest of the Body to pray and proclaim.

*Other Cities*
Please feel free to use this template for your city. We will be proving more and more training on how to take the gates of cities and prepare for revival and God’s glory. See here

*Vision for the city:*

• To see Mitchells Plain experience true repentance, revival, salvation, deliverance, healing, restoration, love, provision, God’s Kingdom, God’s glory and shalom.
• To see Mitchell’s Plain become a City of Glory – a place of habitation for God. Ephesians 2:19-22
• To see a community of shalom (peace), harmony, love and joy, where children can freely and safely play on the streets. Where people are full of love and joy (singing in the streets) and everyone has a place to stay and food to eat.
• It will be filled with humble people, who love and serve their neighbours, and welcome strangers. A people who are generational thinkers, making it better for the next 4 generations.
• A safe place, a city of refuge. A city of abundance. A model city for many other cities. Isaiah 41:17-20, Isaiah 4:4-6, Isaiah2:2-3, Isaiah 55, Is 60,
• To see the flower of Cape Town bloom.
• *Mitchells Plain to be a city with a heart beating the faithful words of THE WORD*
Isaiah 58 :12 Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

*Status on the ground now:*

• Mitchell’s Plain is currently is in a very volatile situation with high crime rates.
• Violence on the R300 up to Delft
• Violence and strikes continue with the aim to make the city ungovernable
• Intense racism turning into violence

*Source verified:*

From someone who is a sister in Christ who is living very close to the issue.

*Strong Holds:*

• Racism: Between black and brown races.
• Jezebel – witchcraft, intimidation, manipulation violence, murder
• Mammon – greed, anxiety, stress, covetousness
• Fear – 1001 different fears attacking people’s hearts
• Leviathan – pride, slander and strife
• Religion – serving God through man’s methods


Lord, we repent and ask you to wash the area, the air, the houses, people, the ground with Your precious Blood.
• Lord, we repent on behalf of the Church in Mitchells Plain
○ For offence, discord, mistrust, unbelief, trauma and separation
○ for fear, pride, self-righteousness – believing that we are in the right, deception in our hearts, hatred, jealousy, independence, division, slander strife, manipulation, twisting things, religion.
○ For abortion, serving mammon, idolatry of freemasonary, bloodshed, human trafficking, addiction, fornication, adultery and oppression
○ For stealing your glory and giving it to man
○ We repent for lack of love and faith
○ We repent for resisting and rejecting your word and messengers that you sent.
• We repent on behalf of the whole of Mitchells Plain for, the antichrist spirit, pride, hatred, theft, violence, murder, all sexual sins, all forms of addiction, sorcery and witchcraft, idolatry, all forms of bloodshed and sacrifice, unbelief, doubt, fear, jealousy, greed, covetousness.

*What is Jesus doing there now?*
(Please watch and pray and see what visions and words the Lord gives you)

*Visions from eagles:*
What is Jesus doing in Mitchells Plain?

Helen Secombe

Jesus what are you doing in Cape Town?

I sensed the Lord reply, “I’m digging deep wells”.
I asked, Where are you digging wells?

He replied, “I’m digging them in Mitchell’s Plain”.
(Mitchell’s Plain is built on sea sand!)

I asked, how do you dig a deep well that will hold water in sea sand?
He replied, “I dig when the sand is wet, it holds its shape, then I cement rocks and stones around the perimeter of the well, building from the bottom upwards”.

I asked, why are you building wells in Mitchell’s Plain?

He replied, “because My People are thirsty for My Word, My Son”.
I asked, how can the people on the Plain access the water in the well?

He replied, “they must spend time in My presence, learn to listen instead of ask Me for things”.

I asked, what are the keys to finding Your presence?

He replied,
(1) “surrender everything into My hands,
(2) worship Me daily,
(3) read My word
(4) Seek My face
(5) seek My kingdom”.

I asked, how can people find the location of these wells?
He replied, “they must spend time with Me and I
will lead them to the wells”.

I asked again, “how many wells are there?
He replied, “ many, many wells, one on every street, every block, every open field”.

He commanded me,

“Ask My people………….. How thirsty are you”?

Johan Van Antwerpen

I see a strategy based on the above vision by Helen

The sand in Mitchells Plain is dry and lifeless. It is difficult to build or sow there. Circumstances in Mitchells Plain caused the church and many people to be the same, existing without being fruitful and prosperous.

The strategy:

When the sand is wet….

The ground (peoples’ hearts) are drenched with water (Jesus is the Living Water) it is time to dig deep wells (go deep through all the layers of sediment in the soul) and cement the wells (continuous discipleship, prayer, and support) on every street / block (house church) to let the water rise up continuously for all who are thirsty (the entire Mitchells Plain).

Jesus Himself is digging these wells. He is preparing the leaders.

He is working from the deepest end of the heart building all the up to the surface. These wells cannot be closed by sand ever again….

*Strong man exposed over Mitchells Plain*

He shows me a big black dragon with many heads. I am certain that one is religion.

The eyes are red and flaming. He is throwing fire balls on that area to stop the gospel and install fear and doubt.

Angels are holding hands, the people are in the middle of the circle, Angels are protecting the children of God. (Those who really choose and follow Him). Some people are very, very afraid.

They want to move out under the protection of the angels (God). They want to compromise out of fear.

The Lord is confirming His covenant with His people (wedding band). Scripture He gave me. Isaiah 62:2, Ps 84:4,

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

2 Kings 6:16 ‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’

– In life, it can sometimes feel like there are more against us than with us.
– You can even feel overwhelmed and surrounded.
– It may look like you are surrounded, but it could be that you are surrounded by HIM.
– So, you do not need to fear, for the Lord is with You and promises never to leave you.

PRAYER: Lord, no matter I am facing, I will remind myself that You are great and that You are with me and that there are more with me than those who are against me. Amen.

Enemy very very busy with fear, lies, wants people to doubt in Jesus’s power. This is what is happening everywhere now in the spirit.

Latitia Swart

*Liviathan over Mitchells Plain to be cut in pieces*
This is what I felt the Lord say to me.

There is a serpent wrapped around Mitchell’s Plain, completely encircling the whole area. It’s head is held high up in the air to be able to see over the entire plain. There are openings in its body facing towards the plain.

Fluid is seeping out of its body through the openings, seeping into the earth, contaminating everything it touches. It is seeping along roads and pathways.

This has been happening for months, these tainted pathways and roads are being used by the enemy to gain entry into homes, churches, businesses, shops etc.

As the enemy travels along these pathways they are polluting peoples minds, turning brother against brother, sister against sister, friends again friends, business partners against one another.

There is offense, discord, mistrust, unbelief, trauma and separation.

The serpent needs to be cut in pieces so that its power is rendered USELESS.

Only LOVE will overcome this enemy.

The warriors must sever this snake/serpent into pieces.

The church must rise up in love, like David Wilkerson when he went in to minister to gangs, they threatened him with all sorts of things including death, but he stood firm with his Bible in his hand.

This plain must be flooded with the LOVE of JESUS, His love will wash away the fluid from the snakes body that was meant to harm.

The body of Christ must rise up and take back its territory, the whole plain must be covered in the Blood. The people of God must operate under the covering of the Blood and much prayer.

They must diligently seek the Lord for His instruction, to move without His instruction could be fatal.

They must trust Him and move out in faith. The church in the Plain must RISE UP, their brothers and sisters all over the country will cover them in prayer and intercession.

The Lord will give His people on the Plain visions and pictures and words and strategy on how they are to move forward.


With love in my Lord Jesus

*I had the following vision of Mitchells Plain*

There was a dark cloud over Mitchells Plain. The cloud was alive with demons of all ranks along with human souls (astral projection / astral travelling).

In the distance I saw a big demon, he was labelled “Moloch”. He was watching his plans play out. He draws power from freemasonary, bloodshed, human trafficking, hatred, racism, oppression, fear.

He uses his power to increase these things to grow his power.

I then saw a serpent just under the surface of Mitchells Plain. On it was written Leviathan. It draws power from false religion, hatred, racism. As it was moving it was stirring up emotions which darkened the cloud.

I saw a fence of light around the cloud and something like a net or canvas of light over it. It could not spread from the area. There were angels in this fence and in the cover but I could not count them and I could not see their forms / shapes. They were there to contain the cloud. The largest part of the fence were intercessory prayers.

Then I saw columns of light out of Mitchells Plain reaching into the heavens. I instantly understood that these were collective intercession, in unity. The cloud started to loose its power and the movement ceased. The beams of light disappeared and so did the fence.

My spirit was celebrating the victory, but suddenly filled with overwhelming sadness. I was crying, for there was now no praise, no worship, no victory cry.

I saw small groups of people leaving the area. I estimated that these groups had no more than thirty people in a group. Each group was dark and carried part of the original dark cloud with them. They were moving out to create anchor points for the cloud to spread throughout the Western Cape.

It is time to praise God for the victories and to worship God for who He is. It is time to cover Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, Africa, the entire world with the Glory of God. It is time for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed for His glory.

Johan Van Antwerp


The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them,
And the *desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose;*

It shall *blossom abundantly and rejoice,*
Even with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
The excellence of Carmel and Sharon.

*They shall see the glory of the Lord*
The excellency of our God. Is 35:1-2

*The Gentiles shall see your righteousness*
And all kings your glory.
You shall be called by a new name,
Which the mouth of the Lord will name. Isaiah 62:2

*Prayer of agreement -His Blood & Proclamation and Declaration*

Father we lift up Mitchells Plain to you now in Jesus mighty Name!

*The Gates of the City*
In that day the Lord of hosts will be For a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty *To the remnant of His people,* For a spirit of justice to him who *sits in judgment, And for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.* Isaiah 28:6

We surrender the gates of Mitchells Plain in the Blood of Jesus and we bind them to the cross. The gates of the city; the gates of business; the gates of households and the gates of hearts. We apply the Blood of Jesus to each of the gates now in Jesus Name.

Father we ask you to raise up the watchmen to install the gates in the city and stand in unity of spirit in the gates of the city, watching, praying, repenting, worshipping, declaring and decreeing in the gates and ruling from their heavenly seats of authority.

Assign angels to each of the city gates, so that the winds of change can blow through the city, bring about the change of guards over the city.

Let the heavenly host become the heavenly guard for the city that is His.
Raise up houses of prayer in every street

*Bind- STOP*

Father we ask you to bind and cast out the strongholds over the city of; religion, mammon; jezebel; racism; leviathan, drug addiction, murder and violence.

Father whatever we bind on earth, Jesus said will be bound in Heaven. We now ask You Abba to bind these principalities in heaven for us according Matt 18:18

Cast down these principalities over our city in Jesus Name.

Pray this scripture for the Lord to cut off Leviathan’s head with His Sword

In that day
*The LORD will punish with His sword*
His fierce, great and powerful sword-
Leviathans the gliding serpent,
Leviathan the coiling serpent;
He will slay the monster of the sea. Isaiah 27:1


We now loose: millions of angels to come and do battle and establish your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We loose Your Spirit, Your Word, Revival fire, Kingdom, Glory, Repentance, Love, Shalom, Healing, Joy, Restoration, Freedom, Unity in the Church, Victory and blessings.

• We lift up the 12 Gang leaders that were saved at ITS TIME event and ask for their supernatural protection, spiritual growth that they will become disciples of Jesus.

*Proclamation and declaration*

• We declare that Mitchell’s Plain belongs to Jesus we surrender the city into your blood and we bind it to the cross.
• We decree that this city will experience full-scale revival and be transformed by your glory and shalom
• We decree the enemy will not have his way
• We decree the church will repent and love each other and walk in unity
• We decree that God’s government is coming to earth and the elders, fathers and watchmen over the city will take their place in the city gates. Proverbs 31:23
• We release the arrows of light and the blood into the strongholds in the city in Jesus name. See scriptures here

Now Proclaim the scriptures over the city

*TPW – Thanks giving – Praise – Worship*

Faith praises God.
If we have faith that He has answered our prayers then we will stop asking Him the same requests we will Thank Him as He has heard our request and supplications.

*Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving* Col 4:2

*Daily do this…TPW*

1. We need to thank Him daily for the victory….
2. Then break out into praise for the victor….
3. Then arise in worship for the victory and adoration for the Victor — Jesus our King!

When you have fully thanked Him for answering your prayers, you will shift into Praise. Praise Him until you breakthrough into Worship.

When we demonstrate our faith through consistent TPW we will supernatural answers to our prayers.

*Consistent TPW keeps the heavens open over your city…*

If you receive any further words and revelation please give us feedback.

Standing in faith and His love

Warren and Mirjam Horak

PS: Below is our Spiritual warfare training series teaching about combat and warfare. This is for your personal combat with the enemy and for the high level over your city and town and nation

Warren David Horak

A disciple of Jesus | A son of God | Serial Entrepreneur | Business Mentor | Finding your Purpose Unlocking Your Destiny in Him | Kingdom Business Cooperation
